
  • 网络sirius;SIRIS;Ethel Siris
  1. 纽约哥伦比亚大学医学中心(ColumbiaUniversityMedicalCenter)托尼•斯塔比尔骨质疏松研究中心(ToniStabileOsteoporosisCenter)主任西里斯(EthelSiris)说,问题变得令人非常费解,但其实不至于如此。

    It 's gotten very confusing but it doesn 't need to be , says Ethel Siris , director of the Toni Stabile Osteoporosis Center at Columbia University Medical Center in New York .

  2. 西里斯博士和其他专家指出,可能引起心脏病和肾结石的是钙补充剂,而不是从食物中获取的钙。

    The links to heart attack and kidney stones involved calcium supplements , not calcium from food sources , Dr. Siris and other experts note .

  3. 西里斯博士说,除非每天都能经口服摄入充足的钙,否则你不得不一直向骨骼借用钙,所以人一生中必须摄取足够的钙。

    Unless you take in enough calcium , by mouth , every day , you have to keep borrowing it from your skeleton , so over your lifetime , you need to get enough , says Dr. Siris .