
  • West Gate;【地名】【韩国】Seodaemun
  1. 重庆西大门的变迁

    The Change of the Western Gate of Chongqing

  2. 西大门住宅

    Journey to the West Seodaemun 's House

  3. 大阪常被视为“日本的西大门”,紧邻日本两大古都京都和奈良,交通便利。

    Often considered the gateway to Western japan , Osaka is conveniently located near two of japan 's ancient capitals , Kyoto and nara .

  4. 因此新疆成为了祖国的西大门、向西开放的桥头堡,地缘关系独特,战略地位重要。

    So Xinjiang becomes the west gate of the motherland , a bridgehead opened to west , it has the unique geopolitical relations and important strategic position .

  5. 怀化市位于湖南省西南部,是湖南省的西大门,是湖南省行政区划最大的地区之一,也是东西经济交往的重要通道和咽喉要塞。

    Huaihua city is located in the southwest and the west gate of Hunan Province , which is one of the largest areas , important passage and throat fortress of the East-West economic .

  6. 从前面提到的西大门开始,所有的温顿塞斯特人都熟悉的那条大道,向上延伸到一个长达一英里的长方形斜坡,渐渐地把那些房屋抛在后面。

    From the western gate aforesaid the highway , as every wintoncestrian knows , ascends a long and regular incline of the exact length of a measured mile , leaving the houses gradually behind .

  7. 福州收费站索膜结构工程跨度大,结构体系新颖,由空间拱钢桁架、张拉索膜结构组成,是福州西大门标志性建筑。

    The cable-membrane structure of Fuzhou toll station is of large-span and new structure system , which is a landmark of Fuzhou west door . It is composed of space arch-type steel truss and tension cable-membrane structure .