
  • 网络Western International
  1. 美国最佳西方国际集团有限公司(bestwesterninternational)高管也表示,他们正在考虑在拉萨开办一家酒店。

    Best Western international executives have also said they are considering opening a hotel in Lhasa .

  2. 他者的微弱呼声&西方国际关系理论中的女性主义

    Weak Voice of the Other : Feminism in Western International Relations Theory

  3. 文章不仅指出了西方国际直接投资理论的局限性,而且描述了中国企业开展FDI特殊约束条件,重新界定了中国企业开展FDI的目标函数。

    It not only points out the limitation of western FDI theory , but also describes the special binding conditions of Chinese enterprises , developing FDI and defines the objective function of Chinese enterprises developing FDI .

  4. 当代西方国际军火贸易外部效用理论初探

    Briefly on the outside effect theory in the international arms trade

  5. 西方国际关系学:知识谱系与理论发展

    International Relations in the West : Genealogy and Theoretical Development

  6. 西方国际英语一直致力于阐扬一种朝气蓬勃和奋发向上的精神;

    Occidental International English strives with all its energy for constant improvement .

  7. 西方国际关系理论中本体论的哲学基础

    The Philosophic Basis of Ontology in International Relations Theories in the West

  8. 马克思的国际价值理论与西方国际贸易学说

    Marx s Theory of International Value and Western Doctrine of International Trade

  9. 既然中国和平崛起走的是一条不同以往的新路,中国国际政治学理论建设同样应该有别于西方国际政治学理论建设的老路,寻找一条独特的新路。

    The difference determines a new theoretical construction of Chinese international politics .

  10. 但是,当代西方国际关系理论存在着一定的欠缺。

    However , there are deficiencies in contemporary western international relations theory .

  11. 西方国际关系理论中小国概念分析

    An Analysis of the Concept of Small States in Western International Relations Theory

  12. 科学实在论是西方国际关系的认识论基础。

    The scientific realism is the epistemological foundation of the western international theory .

  13. 西方国际关系理论中的国家利益研究回顾与评析

    Review and Analysis on Research of National Interests in Western International Relations Theory

  14. 西方国际关系理论的进步意识形态

    The Ideology of Progress in Western International Relations Theories

  15. 西方国际政治学的三个伦理向度

    The Three Moral Dimensions of Western International Politics

  16. 新现实主义和新自由主义是西方国际关系理论的两大流派。

    Neorealism and Neoliberalism are the two great schools in western international relations theory .

  17. 西方国际金融机构与斯里兰卡的经济发展

    The Role of Western International Financial Institutions in the Economic Development of Sri Lanka

  18. 西方国际贸易理论对我国对外贸易的启示

    On the Enlightenment of Western International Trade Theory Upon China 's Foreign Trade Pattern

  19. 理想主义是西方国际关系理论早期的理论流派之一。

    Idealism is one of the early theoretical trends in the western international ethics .

  20. 20世纪西方国际移民理论

    An Overview of the Western Theories of International Migration in the 20 th Century

  21. 不抛弃,不放弃&这就是西方国际。

    Do not abandon , Do not give up & It 's Occidental International Education .

  22. 而就西方国际关系理论所关注的外部世界而言,它又成为了西方中心论的合法化证明。

    To legitimate the international relations as a discipline and western domination of the theory .

  23. 对西方国际关系理论的哲学思考&兼议中国国际关系理论的构建

    Philosophical Reflections on Western International Relation Theories & with Explorative Thoughts on China 's IRT Building-up

  24. 现实主义是西方国际关系理论中影响最大最传统的研究范式。

    Realism is the biggest and most traditional research mode in the theory of west international relations .

  25. 首先,我们从牛仔开始、底特律的西方国际高中。

    First , we 'll settle up with the Cowboys , Western International High School in Detroit .

  26. 伊朗电影近几年也不断在西方国际电影节上获得荣耀。

    Iranian film in the West in recent years has been the International Film Festival was glory .

  27. 理性主义的发展对西方国际关系理论的演进产生了深刻影响。

    The evolution of IR theories in the West has been deeply affected by the development of rationalism .

  28. 针对当前西方国际关系理论在解释现实和预测未来上的混乱和无力,作者提出理解过去成为重构国际关系研究的前提;

    The author argues that understanding the past is the precondition of remaking the study of International Relations .

  29. 全球市民社会是20世纪90年代以来在西方国际关系理论中兴起的新的话语。

    Global civil society is a neologism that emerging since the 1990s in the field of international relations studies .

  30. 在研究模式上,西方国际关系理论中的传统理论和批判理论都对其产生了一定的影响;

    In terms of methodology , both traditional and critical theories of Western international relations have been comprehensively employed .