
  • 网络Radio and Television Network;broadcasting network;catv
  1. 从一个管理系统实例出发,探讨了Web服务(WEBService)在广电网络公司计算机管理系统中的应用,简单介绍了Agent技术和Web服务技术。

    This paper , based on a management system , discusses the using of Web service in CATV management system , and gives a brief introduction of Agent technology and Web service .

  2. 其次,针对A市广电网络的现状,为满足宽带无线接入的需求,提出了在其现有IP数据业务承载网平台的基础上建设多业务宽带IP城域承载网的网络和业务规划接入规划方案。

    Secondly , regarding the status of CATV network in A City , the planning scheme of B-IP MACN was proposed to meet the needs of BWA according to the current carrying network of IP data service .

  3. 论建设和实施广电网络BOSS系统的几个关键问题

    Key Problems in Constructing and Actualizing BOSS System for Radio Television Network

  4. 联系实际对广电网络宽带IP以太网络建设运营维护中面临的问题进行分析。

    This text combining with the reality analyzes the problems of broadband IP in operation and maintenance .

  5. 广电网络BOSS系统的建设

    The Construction of Cable BOSS System

  6. OMNISTAR光传输平台在漳州广电网络中的应用

    The Application of OMNI STAR Optical Transport Platform in Zhangzhou Broadcasting Network

  7. 以光通信和IP技术为基础建设广电网络&IPoverDWDM技术分析与应用

    Broadcast Television Network based on Optical Communication and IP Technology & Analysis and Application of IP over DWDM

  8. 广电网络运营商为提高管理、运营与服务水平,进而提升核心竞争力,争取市场份额而开始引入BOSS系统。

    In order to improve their management , operation and service and therefore their competitiveness and market share , the BTV networks begin to use BOSS system .

  9. 随着广播电视的全面数字化和有线新业务的发展,SDH技术被广泛应用于广电网络中。

    With the development of DTV and the CATV new business , SDH technology was used more and more widely in CATV network .

  10. 文章为此首先设计了一项测试实验,对Epon在广电网络中的带宽进行了专门的研究分析。

    First of all , this article designs a test experiment , making a special analysis of its bandwidth in broadcast television network .

  11. 第三部分国内广电网络SWOT分析,对广电行业与其潜在竞争对手&电信行业进行了行业概况的对比分析。

    The third part is domestic Broadcast TV Info-network SWOT analysis , comparative analysis of the general situation between Broadcast TV industry and its potential competitor telecommunication industry .

  12. 通过对Epon和原有线电视技术的对比分析,说明广电网络使用Epon技术的可行性。

    Through the comparative analysis of Epon and the original cable technology , the result shows that the use of Epon technology is feasible .

  13. 对广电网络有条件接收系统(CA)中加解扰与加解密的概念进行了介绍,并对节目有条件接收系统的原理进行了阐述。

    This paper introduces the concepts of scrambling / descrambling and e nc ryption / decryption in conditional access system of broadcast and TV network , and expounds the principle of conditional access system of programme .

  14. 用EPON技术建设有线电视宽带接入示范小区EPON技术在通州广电网络双向改造中的应用

    Application of EPON Technology in the Construction of the CATV Broadband Network in Demonstrative Zones Application of EPON Technology in Broadcast Television Network Bidirectional Transformation in Tongzhou

  15. 文章最后对MSTP技术在广电网络中的应用及技术发展方向进行了总结和展望。

    In the end , the essay summaries and examines outlook of the applications and technical development direction of MSTP technology in radio and television networks .

  16. 有效的宽带介入技术已经成为人们关注的焦点,目前EPON是十分看好的技术之一,其在广电网络系统上得到了广泛的应用。

    Effective broadband access has become the focus , and EPON is one of the best technology about access network . This paper mainly describes the application of EPON in broadband TV network .

  17. 加快推进广播影视的网络化&张海涛同志在全国广电网络发展工作座谈会上的讲话中广电广播电影电视设计研究院

    Speedup to Push Networking Construction of Radio , Film and Television

  18. 黄岩广电网络故障投诉系统的构建

    Establishment of Web Fault Request System in Huangyan Radio and TV

  19. 论广电网络运营改革的内容与速度

    About the Contents and Speed of Reforming Broadcast TV Network Operating

  20. 科学规划整合后的广电网络升级改造

    Plan the Upgrading of the Broadcasting and TV Network after Combining

  21. 包头广电网络分公司前端机房改造方案

    Headend Room Rebuild Plan of Baotou Broadcast & TV Network Branch

  22. 广电网络数据平台的设想与实现

    The Assumption of the Broadcasting Network Data Platform and Its Realization

  23. 广电网络与电信网络具有相似的技术经济特性。

    Broadcasting network and telecom network have similar techno-economical features .

  24. 广电网络企业建模的体系结构研究

    Research on the Architecture of Modeling of Radio and Television Networks Enterprise

  25. 陕西广电网络预算管理研究

    Research on Comprehensive Budget Management of Shaanxi Bctv Info-network Co. , Ltd

  26. 试论广电网络企业信息化建设

    Discussion on Use of Information Technology in Radio and TV Network Enterprises

  27. 广电网络行业呼唤公平的互联网产业链

    CATV Network Operators Clamor for A Fair Internet Industry Chain

  28. 电视数字化以后,广电网络资源得到丰富。

    After digitalized , broadcasting networks get rich in resources .

  29. 利用广电网络建设教育信息网

    Building Educational Information Network by the Network of Broadcasting Television

  30. 广电网络发展中的有关技术问题思考

    Thoughts on Technical Problems in Development of Broadcasting Network