
  1. 同时一方面商业银行紧缩银根,对中小制造企业减少资金的支持。

    At the same time tightening the one hand , commercial banks , small and medium manufacturing companies to reduce financial support .

  2. 今年,我国通货膨胀恶化,中央银行紧缩的信贷政策逐渐显现,这显然不利于中小企业的发展。

    This year inflation deteriorated , the central bank tightening of credit policy is gradually emerging , which is obviously not conducive to the development of SMEs .

  3. 但近年来,由于原材料价格上涨、劳动力成本加大、银行紧缩信贷等原因,中小企业发展面临诸多困难。

    But in recent years , because the rising price of raw material , increasing of labor costs , tightening of banks credit and other reasons , SMEs face many difficulties .

  4. 此外,受金融危机影响,银行紧缩信贷,中小企业融资的难度显著加大,由此引发了一系列经济和社会问题。

    In addition , because of the financial crisis , banks deflate credit , and it is more difficult for SME to finance , which triggers a series of economic and social problems .

  5. 由于银行紧缩信贷,许多购房者发现获得抵押贷款越来越难。与此同时,由于人们普遍预计明年房价会下跌,许多人也决定暂缓投资。

    Many buyers have found it increasingly hard to source mortgages as banks restrict lending , while prices are deterring many from investing given widespread predictions of price falls during the next year .

  6. 经济不景气时,银行紧缩放贷,中小企业管理局乃介入[放贷]。小企业管理局还有其独到之处,那就是能为新成立的或已经摇摇欲坠的小企业提供管理方面的帮助。

    During the recession , the S.B.A. has stepped in as banks became more wary of lending . A unique feature of the SBA is the management assistance that is offered to new or faltering businesses .

  7. 2007年金融危机以来,各行各业或多或少受到了冲击,最近一时期,让人们似乎觉得有了复苏迹象,但又遇到了通货膨胀,各个商业银行紧缩银根。

    Since the 2007 financial crisis , every walk of life has been influenced more or less . Recently , it seems there are signs of recovery , but meeting with inflation , all commercial banks begin to squeeze money .

  8. 一个较大的可担忧之处在于,未来一年美国经济面临困境、甚至是衰退。这可能导致企业破产、债券违约、银行紧缩贷款,并损及私人股本的投资组合。

    A bigger concern is that the US economy faces difficulty and even recession in the coming year , which could lead to business failures , bond defaults , a lending pull-back by banks and damage to private equity portfolios .

  9. 我们要避免受收入下降和银行信贷紧缩拖累的小盘股。

    We would avoid the small caps , which are hurt by falling revenue and tightened credits by banks .

  10. 中国放缓出口,很大程度上是由于政策的变化,并不是银行信贷紧缩。

    China 's slower exports , however , were largely due to the government 's export policy shift , not the credit crunch , Fan said .

  11. 当下,利率空前低下,银行放贷紧缩,最巧妙的企业处置手段可能是通过卖家期票完成。

    In this era of super-low interest rates , and constrained bank lending , perhaps the most ingenious way to organise a disposal is through a seller note .

  12. 这暗示了更高的通货膨胀可能持续更久,在事物和其他的商品服务方面,需要人民银行更加紧缩。

    This suggests that higher inflation could prove to be more persistent and spread from food to other goods and services , requiring the PBOC to tighten by much more .

  13. 经济学家已警告,在利率不断上升以及该国银行信贷紧缩的情况下,韩国家庭和小公司正面临越来越大的债务拖欠风险。

    Economists have warned that South Korean households and small companies are facing a growing risk of default amid rising interest rates and a credit squeeze at the country 's banks .

  14. 如果你是消费者,利率可能降低,因为银行方面紧缩了信贷标准,提高了接待给消费者的资金的成本。

    If you are a consumer , the chances are your interest rate 's gone up because banks are tightening credit standards , and raising the cost that they pass on to the consumer .

  15. 因此我国商业银行处于信贷紧缩与否的尴尬处境。

    So China 's commercial banks are in dilemma : to tighten the credit or not .

  16. 在多年来汇率保持固定的时期中,各国中央银行发现要紧缩信贷很困难。

    During periods when exchange rates stayed fixed for many years , central banks found it hard to tighten credit .

  17. 但从资金融通和改善自身收入角度来看,商业银行的信贷紧缩行为又是不合时宜的。

    But seeing from perspective of financing and rising income , it is not proper to tight the credit for banks .

  18. 有几家银行在信贷方面紧缩起来了。

    Some banks tightened up on their credits .

  19. 对于那些继续营业的银行而言,信贷紧缩意味着成本不断上升。

    For those lenders continuing to operate , the credit squeeze means that costs are rising .

  20. 它们彼此之间更加惜贷,把市场对少数机构的担忧转变成整个银行体系的信用紧缩。

    They have lent less and less to each other , turning worries about a few institutions into a system-wide credit crunch .

  21. 而且,只有从这两个方面出发,才能从根本上解决银行惜贷与信贷紧缩问题,并最终促进商业银行的融资效率的提高。

    Moreover , the mitigation of credit contraction and the improvement of financing efficiency depend on the resolution of these two problems mentioned above .

  22. 大学的就业顾问指出,投资银行为了应对信贷紧缩,将主动招聘的范围缩小到很少的几所大学,为此付出代价的是在英国顶尖院校学习、渴望成为投资银行家的学生们。

    Investment banks are responding to the credit crunch by narrowing their active recruitment to a tiny handful of universities , at the expense of wannabe investment bankers studying at some of the UK 's leading institutions , according to campus careers officers .

  23. 在过去一两年,代理银行业务再次流行起来,因为许多西方银行紧缩开支,削减盈利能力不强的业务,只有少数几家银行集团才真正保留全球业务。

    In the past year or two correspondent banking has come back into fashion as many western banks have retrenched to cut costs and eliminate less profitable activities , leaving only a handful of groups with a genuinely global reach .

  24. 从2006年开始,国内金融界的专家和学者开始关注银行体系存在着的流动性过剩问题,中央银行也开始采取紧缩的货币政策,逐步调高法定存款准备金率,并且连续上调存贷款基准利率。

    From 2006 , the domestic financial experts and scholars started to pay attention to the d surplus liquidity which existed in the bank of system , the Central Bank also adopted the contracted monetary policy , raises the legal reserve ratio against deposits gradually .