
  • 网络The Argent Dawn
  1. 银色黎明需要像你这样的人。

    The Argent Dawn needs man like you .

  2. 使魔法和法术效果对亡灵和恶魔造成的伤害提高最多85点。同时也可为银色黎明收集天灾石。

    Increases damage done to undead and demons by magical spells and effects by up to85.it also allows the acquisition of scourgestones on behalf of the Argent dawn .

  3. 银色黎明与白银之手骑士团合二为一!我们将完成无数先烈所没有完成的!

    Highlord Tirion Fordring says : The Argent Dawn and the Order of the Silver Hand will come together as one ! We will succeed where so many before us have failed !