
yín bái
  • silvery white;be silvery white;colour of silver
银白 [yín bái]
  • [be silvery white] 带银光的白色

银白[yín bái]
  1. 奶奶有着一头银白的头发,蓝蓝的眼睛里总是闪着慈祥的光芒。

    Grandma has a silvery white hair , blue eyes kind of light is always shining .

  2. 在银白的世界里,那洁白洁白的雪花,是我对你的绵绵思念和祝福。

    In this silvery world , the white snowflakes are my missing and blessing for you .

  3. 中绿色的斑叶,平坦叶面,银白绿色叶背。大型。

    Variegated medium green , plain / silver-green back . Large .

  4. 记忆里圆圆的月又摊开了一片银白。

    Memory span and a round piece of silver on it .

  5. 镜面彩电用新型水星银白漆喷涂机理及质量控制

    The fashionable silver white paint principle of painting spary and quality control

  6. 野地上银白一片,远处围绕着暗绿色的常绿树木。

    The field is white and the wooded edges dark with evergreen .

  7. 当天空弥漫着这些银白的飞花。

    When these white flowers flying all over the sky .

  8. 我知道有着玉色脸孔银白发丝的男人并不一定是天使。

    I know an inory-faced and silvery-haired man is unlikely an angel .

  9. 停在外面的那辆银白的车是你的吗?

    Isn 't that your silver car I saw parjed out front ?

  10. 她被那位银白头发的老人领着,走进了他的屋子。

    Led by the white-haired old woman , she entered his room .

  11. 梦中的风光比银白海洋旁边绯红的宝塔更加旖旎艳丽。

    A dream is more romantic than scarlet pagodas by a silver sea .

  12. 他是一位面色红润、头发银白的老人。

    He was an old man with a red face and white hair .

  13. 她带着一个高高的、头发银白的男子来到聚会上。

    She arrived at the party , with a tall , silver-haired man in tow .

  14. 有木兰月染的银白。

    The silver of moon-touched magnolias .

  15. 月光把池塘照得一片银白。

    Moonlight silvered the pond .

  16. 你的银白鬓角或许看上去与众不同,但是却不会让你看上去年轻。

    Your silver mane may be distinguished , but it doesn 't make you look any younger .

  17. 月光灰白,将有雨来;月光泛红,将要刮风;月光银白,无雨无雪。

    Pale moon does rain , red moon does blow ; white moon does neither rain nor snow .

  18. 在对银白告解者帕尔璀丝的战斗中,完成的银色告解者成就将是最有趣的成就。

    The Argent Confessor achievement for the fight against Argent Confessor Paletress is probably the most interesting one .

  19. 他的毛色乃是银白和烟灰相间,金黄的眼睛异常敏锐。

    He was silver and smoke , with eyes of yellow gold that saw all there was to see .

  20. 长有银白叶子和显著的银色的苞的单期花的长青乔木和灌木的大的属。

    Large genus of evergreen trees and shrubs having silvery white leaves and solitary terminal flowers with conspicuous silvery bracts .

  21. 奥运圣火是反映成银白镶着清辉的浪,汹涌着热血的激情。

    Austria Win a silver torch is a reflection of the waves and top Qinghui , a blood surging passion .

  22. 丹伯多的银白头发是整个大会堂里唯一能与鬼魂一样闪闪发亮的东西了。

    Dumbledore 's silver hair was the only thing in the whole hall that shone as brightly as the ghosts .

  23. 虽说是夏天,但眼前是一片秋冬的金黄及银白相交的色彩。

    Although it is summer , but the present is the golden autumn and winter and a white color intersect .

  24. 麦康娜教授让全班人都看了如何让这支火柴变得银白和变尖,还给了荷米恩一个非常少见的微笑。

    Professor McGonagall showed the class how it had gone all silver and pointy and gave Hermione a rare smile .

  25. 赛后,他甩动他那湿漉漉的银白头发,说到,“你是上帝”。

    After the race , he tossed his wet , cloud-white hair and said , " You 're a god . "

  26. 你将我用银白包围,好似蚕蛹一般,我想最后我也会破茧而飞吧。

    You will be surrounded by white I like pupa general , I think I will break the final cocoon and fly .

  27. 他个子很矮,一撮尖胡子,发际有几丝银白,年纪和父亲差不多。

    He was short , with a pointed beard and a silver streak in his hair , almost as old as her father .

  28. 这个特质和他系住披风的银白仿声鸟倒是挺配,他从小就得意自己的少年白。

    They went well with the silver mockingbird that fastened his cloak . Even as a child , he had always loved his silver .

  29. 磷化膜层致密耐蚀且厚度均匀、可调,外观呈银白或银灰色。

    Phosphating film is fine and close and the thickness of film can be changed , the color of film is silver white or silver grey .

  30. 不仅如此,这款手机也适合送礼,它有3种颜色供你选择,银白,粉红,宝蓝。

    Not only that , this phone is also suitable for gifts , 3 for the colors you choose , white , pink , and Borland .