
  1. 过了两个月,他到达师子国,看到一条河,就到水中寻找那只丢失的银盆。

    After two months ' travel during which he visited Ceylon and many other countries . On seeing a river , he jumped into the water looking for the bowl he had lost before .

  2. 脸若银盆,眼如水杏。

    her face seemed a silver disk , her eyes almonds swimming in water .

  3. 福元路湘江大桥位于银盆岭大桥和三汊矶大桥居中偏北位置。

    The bridge is located in the northerly central position between Yinpenling Bridge and Sanchaji Bridge .

  4. 达力更像弗农姨父:一张粉红色的银盆大脸,脖子很短,一对水汪汪的蓝眼睛,浓密的金发平整地贴在他那厚实的胖乎乎的脑袋上。

    Dudley looked a lot like Uncle Vernon . He had a large pink face , not much neck , small , watery blue eyes , and thick blond hair that lay smoothly on his thick , fat head .