
ā ɡē
  • elder brother;affectionate form of address between men of about the same age


à ge
  • son;title of a Manchu emperor's son not yet of age
阿哥 [ā gē]
  • (1) [elder brother]∶对兄长的称呼

  • (2) [brother]∶对年轻男子的亲热称呼--尤其是某些少数民族地区年轻未婚女子对自己异性朋友的称呼

  • (3) [son]∶满族父母对儿子的称呼

  • (4) [young prince]∶清代皇室称没有成年的皇子

  1. 血清学鉴定共分为6个群20个血清型,以B群为主,以阿哥纳血清型最多。

    There were 20 serum types among 6 groups according to the serological identification , of which B group was the most predominant .

  2. 大阿哥你能闻出来席德的气味吗

    Diego , can you pick up Sid 's scent ?

  3. 皇上在文华殿亲试众阿哥学业。

    The emperor will test the school work of all the brothers himself .

  4. 大阿哥喺度望紧你?

    The Big Brother is Watching You !

  5. 安提阿哥禁止守安息日,他洗劫圣殿,建造了一个异教祭坛,并行那可憎的&以猪祭献。

    He plundered the temple , built a pagan altar , and slaughtered pigs there & an abomination .

  6. “我们希望大家把重点放在手头的竞争,”阿哥的人群说。

    " We want you all to focus on the competition at hand ," Elder said to the crowd .

  7. 这对香炉据信是弘历阿哥(即后来的乾隆皇帝)送给其父的寿辰贺礼。

    They are believed to have been a birthday gift from Prince Hongli ( later Emperor Qianlong ) to his father .

  8. 我们现在在距离阿哥拉首都罗安达以东5小时的地方,名为“挪威人民的援助”的非政府组织在这里扫雷。

    We are 5 hours east of the Capital City , Luanda , on the demining zone operated by the NGO , Norwegian People 's Aid .

  9. 澜惠暗地里白了个眼,很想摇着四阿哥的领子咆哮一下:谁害怕了?

    Lan Hui secretly white eye , actually want to vibrate four the elder brother 's neckband howl for a while : Who Be getting more scared ?

  10. 在清朝,连公主们都在阿哥的风头下黯然失色乏人问津,这样的荣宠,实在是难以想象。

    In the Qing Dynasty , even princesses have been eclipsed under the Elder brother 's thunder little interest , such Jung , it is hard to imagine .

  11. 45例患儿粪便中16例培养出阿哥纳沙门氏菌。

    Attack rate of nursery was 45 % , P < 0 . 01 . Among 45 cases stool culture there was 16 cases to be found salmonella Ser Agona .

  12. 当澜惠知道四阿哥给那些女人定的这些封号的时候,刚喝到嘴里的一口茶就喷了出来。

    When the Lan Hui knows four the elder brother give those female perch of these of period , just drank an an mouthful in mouth tea to spray out .

  13. 四阿哥见状立刻开始苦口婆心的劝上了,连许久不用的唠叨大法都用了上来。

    Four the elder brother see the form swiftly start painful in savor old matron heart of inform final , even as a long period need not of the loquacious huge usages all accustom to come up .