
yín hánɡ zhōnɡ xīn
  • bank center
  1. 而I-9号有78幢建筑物达标,最令人叹为观止的是高达974英尺的奥斯卡特,高945英尺的一号自由广场和848英尺的二号自由广场,792英尺的梅隆银行中心,739英尺的贝尔西洋大塔。

    Coming in at \# 9 , it has 78 structures that meet the standard . Its most notable skyscrapers are the Comcast Center at 974 feet , One and Two Liberty Place at 945 feet and 848 feet , Mellon Bank Center at 792 feet , and Bell Atlantic Tower at 739 feet .

  2. 厦门银行中心消防系统联动调试

    Fire System Testing and Commissioning for the Bank Center in Xiamen

  3. 费城警察局局长小理查德·罗斯(RichardRossJr.)估计大约有1500人参加了游行,并表示下午5点左右,大约30人因试图突破会议举办地富国银行中心(WellsFargoCenter)外面的障碍物而被捕。

    Richard Ross Jr. , the head of the Police Department , estimated that about 1500 people marched , and around 5 p.m. roughly 30 people were arrested after they tried to breach the barriers outside the Wells Fargo Center , where the convention was getting underway .

  4. 香港金管局(hkma)总裁陈德霖(normanchan)昨日发表公开演说时表示,他的“愿景”是使香港成为“亚洲最具竞争力和活力的私人银行中心”。

    Norman Chan , chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , told bankers in a speech that was made public yesterday that his " vision " was for Hong Kong to become " the most competitive and dynamic private banking hub in the region " .

  5. 单元式组合幕墙在厦门商业银行中心的应用

    Application of Unit Modular Style Curtain Wall in Xiamen Commercial Bank Centre

  6. 华联银行中心新加坡

    OUB Center , Singapore , 1986

  7. 香港作为主要银行中心,无可避免地会受到这些发展趋势影响。

    As a major banking centre , Hong Kong will inevitably be affected by these trends .

  8. 1986年,香港安利总部乔迁至铜锣湾万国宝通银行中心。

    In 1986 , the Amway head office moved to the Citicorp Centre in Causeway Bay .

  9. 天峨县某银行中心机房雷电防护设计分析

    The Analysis of Design of Lightning Protection System about Network Center Machine Room in a Bank in Tian'e County

  10. 高度经济增长时期日本形成了银行中心的金融体系及企业治理机制。本文依据金融体系设计和构筑的经济学理论,对日本金融体系及企业治理机制需要转型的理由加以分析。

    Based on the economics theory of financial system 's architecture , this dissertation analyzes why the Japanese financial system and corporate governance must undergo change .

  11. 基本结论是日本的银行中心金融体系已经劣化,需要向市场中心的金融体系转型。

    It concludes that the bank-based system is out-of-date for Japanese economy , and that Japan has to convert from the traditional system to the market-based system .

  12. 新兴世界的金融资产积累速度早已远远快于纽约、伦敦和东京等传统银行中心。

    Already the developing world is amassing financial assets at a much faster rate than are traditional banking centers like New York , London , and Tokyo .

  13. 电话银行中心五度蝉联“中国最佳呼叫中心”,获评“中国行业最具影响力品牌”、“亚太最佳客户服务至尊金奖”等奖项。

    The center has won five straight " China Best Contact Center "," the Most Influential Brand in the Industry " and " Asia Pacific Customer Service golden award of Excellence " etc.

  14. 高度位于700英尺以上的建筑还包括:美国银行中心(780英尺),克里达斯广场(762英尺),企业广场(756英尺),以及森帕能源广场(741英尺)。这些令人惊叹的建筑奇观依旧在休斯顿市中心延续着。

    These include the 700 footers Bank of America Center ( 780 ) , Heritage Plaza ( 762 ) , Enterprise Plaza ( 756 ) , and Centerpoint Energy Plaza ( 741 ) .

  15. 这位传奇女星于本周二下午在费城富国银行中心球馆进行了演讲彩排,并悉心检查了舞台设备。她戴着眼镜,身着米色高领长裙。

    The legendary actress wore a cream-colored high-necked dress and glasses as she rehearsed her speech and did a sound check on stage at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia on Tuesday afternoon .

  16. 为实施建设银行中心城市行发展战略,对建设银行城区支行管理系统的目标定位必须合理。

    The soundness of the target location of the management system for urban branch of construcion bank is very important for the implementation of the development strategy of major city branches of construction bank .

  17. IBM鼎力支持中国建设银行数据中心整合项目

    IBM Supports vigorously the Combination project of Chinese Construction Bank Data centre

  18. 伦敦金融城(cityoflondon)是现代历史上最成功的金融中心,其作为首屈一指的银行业中心的历史已远不止200年。

    The city of London is the most successful financial centre in modern history , now well into its third century as a leading banking hub .

  19. ETL在银行数据中心系统中的应用

    The Application of ETL Using in the System of BDC

  20. 目前ID管理系统已经在银行数据中心投产,并在运维管理工作中发挥重要作用。

    ID management system currently has in the bank data center operation , and management of the operation and maintenance play an important role .

  21. 海外华人银行业务中心股份有限公司(OCB)及新加坡的莱弗斯城;

    The Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Centre ( OCBC ) and Raffles City in Singapore ;

  22. 人民银行DW中心支行支付清算操作风险管理研究

    Operational Risk Management Research of Payment and Clearing in DW Central Branch Bank of People 's Bank of China

  23. 其次,本论文针对Q银行呼叫中心运营资源现状,建立了接通率优化模型。

    It causes termination rates continue to low . Secondly , aim at the actual state of the operational resources in the Q bank call center , the study establishes a connection rate optimization model .

  24. RNA引擎的研制成功,将彻底解决目前银行呼叫中心由于无法识别电话状态而造成的人力成本巨大浪费问题。

    With RNA engine successful developed , it will completely solve the current banking call center does not recognize the phone status as a result of a huge waste of human cost of the problem .

  25. 某银行计算机中心电气故障解决案例

    Solution Case for the Electrical Fault in a Bank Computer Center

  26. 工商银行票据中心发展纪实

    The Development Record of the Note Center of ICBC

  27. 上海建设国际银行业中心的路径和动力

    The Path and Driving Force in Developing Shanghai as an International Banking Center

  28. 发放贷款是银行的中心业务。

    Granting loans goes to the heart of banking .

  29. 互助储蓄银行的中心信用系统。

    The central credit system for thrift institutions .

  30. 一次变频泵变水流量系统在某银行信息中心空调设计中的应用

    Application of variable primary flow chilled water system in air-conditioning designing of a bank