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  1. 她突然转身,朝收银台走去。

    She wheeled sharply and headed for the check-out counter .

  2. 我们去收银台付款时,他给我们的账单打了对折。

    When we approached the till to settle up , he reduced our bill by 50 per cent .

  3. 他对于政府干涉的态度看起来很困惑,从2006年的叹惜,巧克力橙子极具诱惑地放在超市的收银台上加剧了肥胖。

    His attitude to state intervention has looked confused ever since his bizarre 2006 lament that chocolate oranges placed seductively at supermarket check-outs fueled obesity .

  4. 在最近发生的几起事件中,黑客通过在零售商销售点系统的收银台上秘密插入恶意软件获得了大量的信用卡、借记卡或预付卡号码信息。

    In several recent incidents , hackers have been able to obtain massive information of credit-debit - or prepaid-card numbers using malware , i. e.malicious software , inserted secretly into the retailers ' point-of-sale system — the checkout registers .

  5. 例如,当你决定在多佛街上最高端的零售店维多利亚·贝克汉姆(VictoriaBeckham)付款时,你不会去任何收银台。

    At the most cutting-edge retail stores — Victoria Beckham on Dover Street , for instance — you don 't go and stand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay .

  6. 摆放与出售限制:加利福尼亚州规定加油站不得将酒类摆放在收银台附近,而且在大部分地区,你在提供免下车服务的场所买不到酒类。

    Display and sales restrictions : California has a rule prohibiting alcohol displays near the cash registers in gas stations , and in most places you can 't buy alcohol at drive-through facilities .

  7. 很多塑料袋最终会被扔在树枝上或者公路边,以至于越来越多的城市不允许收银台提供塑料袋。

    So many end up in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not allow them at checkouts .

  8. 这些东西有时就是故意放在这里的,好让你在等待的时候又从收银台买两样东西。

    These are sometimes deliberate , to make you buy something from the checkout shelves while you wait .

  9. 这就是我们所说的“收银台怒”或者“收银台排队怒”,其实就是在超市收银台前排队结账时等待时间太长,或者因为发生了别的状况而感到异常恼怒的状态。

    Here comes the checkout rage or checkout line rage , which refers to extreme anger caused by a perceived wrongdoing or a lengthy2 wait in the supermarket checkout line .

  10. HilaryWaldare,请到三号收银台报到。

    Hilary Waldare , report to register three .

  11. 本月底,星巴克(Starbucks)收银台上那些赏心悦目的纸板货架将不再出售CD,它们曾经和薄荷糖、意大利脆饼一起,随时准备迎合顾客的消费冲动。

    At the end of this month , Starbucks plans to stop selling CDs from those comforting cardboard counter-display cases , where they were as convenient an impulse buy as mints and biscotti .

  12. 而在去年12月底,英国零售商马莎百货(MarksandSpencer)面临受到抵制的威胁,起因是一名穆斯林雇员坚持让买酒的顾客到别的收银台去结账。

    And at the end of December , Marks and Spencer , the UK retailer , faced boycott threats when a Muslim employee insisted customers go to a different till to pay for alcohol .

  13. 这种手表中的芯片与手机的SIM卡类似,只需要在收银台的一种特殊终端上触碰一下手表,就可以结账了。

    They contain a chip similar to a mobile phone 's SIM card that allows you to settle up by tapping the watch on a special terminal at the till .

  14. 在亚马逊去年推出的新兴Go连锁便利店中,顾客进入门店时使用一款手机应用程序在闸门处刷一下,买完东西以后不用到收银台结账,打包就可以走了。因为店里安装了计算机视觉设备以及无处不在的传感器。

    At Amazon 's budding chain of " Go " convenience stores that launched last year , customers use a phone app to check in at a turnstile . They can then fill their bags and carry them out without ever passing a register thanks to computer vision and an array of sensors all over the store .

  15. 多年来,谷歌(Google)、威瑞森(Verizon)和AT&T等大型科技、电信公司一直在设法用智能手机应用替代钱包,在收银台这里点一下,那里刷一下,取代信用卡或钞票。

    Large tech and telecom companies like Google , Verizon and AT & T have tried for years to replace the traditional wallet with smartphone apps , having a click here or swipe there replace a credit card or dollar bills at the register .

  16. 多年来,谷歌(Google)、威瑞森(Verizon)和ATT等大型科技、电信公司一直在设法用智能手机应用替代钱包,在收银台这里点一下,那里刷一下,取代信用卡或钞票。

    Large tech and telecom companies like Google , Verizon and ATT have tried for years to replace the traditional wallet with smartphone apps , having a click here or swipe there replace a credit card or dollar bills at the register .

  17. 森美餐厅的经理叶凤仪(IryYip)说,它是一头安格斯牛(Angus),是她的父亲、餐厅创始人叶联(SammyYip)在1978年设计的。他老人家今年84岁,仍然坐在餐厅的收银台后面。

    It was supposed to be an Angus , said Iry Yip , the manager of Sammy 's Kitchen . The sign was designed in 1978 by her father , Sammy Yip , the restaurant 's founder , who at 84 still sits behind the cash register .

  18. 旁边的Collett’s或许曾是左派最为青睐的书店,但如今却是Foyles书店至今仍延用着三位一体的苏式排队系统:顾客先排队取便条,然后到爱德华七世风格的收银台付账,最后再回到最初排队的地方取书。

    Nearby Collett 's might have been the left 's favoured bookshop but it was Foyles that retained the extraordinary Moscow-style triple queueing system : customers had to line up to receive a chit , then again to pay at an Edwardian-style till , then once more to collect the book from where they had started .

  19. 你的妻子正在收银台等你。

    Your wife is waiting for you at the check-out counter .

  20. 我在收银台就犯过类似的错误。

    I 've caught mistakes like that at the check stand .

  21. 杰夫在当地超市的收银台。

    Jeff is at the checkout counter of his local supermarket .

  22. 请跟我来,我带你去收银台。

    Follow me , I 'll take you to the cashier 's.

  23. 这是您的帐单,请到收银台付钱。

    Here you are , please pay the bill at the .

  24. 有人在餐厅收银台插队;

    The person who cuts in line at the cafeteria cash register .

  25. 我们抢到的钱包里的钱比收银台里的还多。

    Made more from the wallets than we did from the register .

  26. 厄尔,清理你收银台的进度如何了?

    Okay , Earl , how is cleaning your area coming along ?

  27. M:我站在收银台后面负责点餐。

    M : I stood behind the register and took pizza orders .

  28. 最有利可图的地方是在商店的收银台。

    The most profitable area of the store is the checkout line .

  29. 售货员:我带你们去收银台。

    Salesperson : Let me show you to the cashier 's.

  30. 男孩吃完冰淇淋,到收银台付帐后就离开了咖啡厅。

    The boy finished the ice cream , paid the cashier and left .