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  1. 他从商界招募了三名独立董事进入RFU董事会,包括零售企业约翰•路易斯(JohnLewis)即将离任的财务总监海伦•韦尔(HelenWeir),以及菲力斯第一健身俱乐部(FitnessFirst)的首席执行官高蓄来(AndyCosslett)。

    He recruited three independent directors from business to the RFU board , including Helen Weir , outgoing John Lewis finance director , and Andy Cosslett , Fitness First chief executive .

  2. 他们的总薪酬比欧洲大陆的首席执行官平均高12%,其中与业绩挂钩部分所占的份额也更大。

    Their total compensation was 12 per cent higher than the Continental average and included a larger share of performance-linked pay .

  3. 以上结果说明了神经调控机制与规律性的官关连高过其在周期性上的关连。

    These results illustrated that the neural control associated with both normals and DAN patients correlated to regularity rather than periodicity .

  4. 其中,盐官早潮涌高1.3米,观赏等级是四级。不过早潮来的时间是夜里,观赏不太方便。

    The morning tide in Yanguan rose to1.3 meters , with the level reaching IV , but the morning tide comes pretty early , which makes it inconvenient for watching .

  5. 电鳐电器官膜上的高特异性、低亲和力TCP结合部位

    A high specificity low affinity TCP binding site on the cell membrane of Torpedo electric organ

  6. 娘说,鲁家有权有势,官做得很高。

    My mother says the Lu clan is very powerful and highly ranked .

  7. 我看这种人是官越做得高,反就越造得大。

    I think the higher the office these types hold , the greater their treachery .

  8. 你是否曾嫌弃你的丈夫官做的不够高,钱挣的不够多?

    Have you ever dislike your husband no dignitary and position no get promoted and no enough money ?

  9. 信贷危机还改变了所选公司的构成,几家美国的大银行被从中剔除,而这些银行首席执行官的薪酬非常高。

    The credit crunch also changed the composition of the companies , pushing out several large US banks where chief executives had been especially well paid .

  10. 汝官窑釉料为高铝低硅釉,汝瓷釉色以天青为贵,釉色润泽,开片细密,装饰多为刻、划或模印花卉图案。

    Ru official porcelain glazes for high alumina low-silica glaze , Ru porcelain sky blue best . Ru glaze crystal , fine opening piece , delimit or decorative printing flower pattern .

  11. 由于以前缺乏法律职业统一准入和培训制度,导致法律职业从业人员尤其是法官、检察官专业素质不高,难以形成共同语言,妨碍形成法律职业共同体。

    The previous lack of access to uniform legal profession has led to the low quality of legal professional employees , esp. the judges and prosecutors , and has made it hard for them to have common language and to form legal professional community .

  12. 塞恩认定美国银行的首席执行官当年可获得高达1000万美元奖金,他推测自己应该获得与之类似但数额略小的奖金,尤其是他还使美林免于遭受雷曼兄弟那样的破产命运。

    Presuming that the BofA chief might get as much as $ 10m for his stewardship of the bank that year , Thain calculated that he deserved a similar , but slightly smaller sum for himself , especially for steering Merrill clear of the bankruptcy that befell Lehman .

  13. 研究发现,过去10年,女性首席执行官被迫辞职的可能性比男性首席执行官高出27%。

    What it did find was that in the previous decade female chief executives were 27 per cent more likely to be forced out than male chief executives .

  14. 总体上来说,我国官德是高尚的,但也有很多官德失范现象的存在,这是部分人民群众认为我国官德不高的依据。

    But there are a lot of appearances of the anomie of official morality . And the appearances are considered fundament by some masses that our country official morality is not noble .