
  • 网络cerium hydroxide
  1. 说明:氢氧化铈不溶于水,溶于强酸。

    Description : Cerium Hydroxide is insoluble in water and soluble in strong acid .

  2. 分析了氢氧化铈沉淀的工序能力,运用控制图对该工序的质量进行了控制,取得了满意的效果。

    The process ability of cerium hydroxide precipitation was analyzed in this paper . Application of control charts controls production Quality and a satisfactory result is realized .

  3. 盐酸羟胺还原四价铈后,EDTA法测定氢氧化铈中总铈含量;

    Reduced the ceric to trivalent with hydroxylamine hydrochloride as a reducer , then total cerium is determined by EDTA .

  4. 用氨水回调,氢氧化铈沉淀中,铈的收率大于95%,CeO2/TREO约为83%。

    The rate of reclamation of cerium is above 95 % in the ceric hydroxide . The ratio of CeO_2 / TREO is about 83 % in the ceric hydroxide .

  5. 稀土材料氢氧化铈吸附水中亚砷酸与砷酸阴离子的特性效果

    Adsorption Characteristics of Arsenite and Arsenate on Hydrous Ceric Oxide

  6. 合成高纯氢氧化铈的原子经济性

    Atomic economy of synthesis technology for high pure ceric hydroxide

  7. 电弧燃烧炉&电导法测定氢氧化铈中碳含量

    Determination of Carbon in Cerium Hydroxide by Electric Arc Combustion Furnace-conductance Method

  8. 氢氧化铈合成的新方法

    A New Method for Ceric Hydroxide Synthesis

  9. 新型显示器及制药行业用超高纯级氢氧化铈生产工艺研究

    Process Technique Research on Ultra Pure Cerium Hydroxide Used for New LCD and Pharmacy Industry

  10. 对氢氧化铈样品中铈的价态进行了分析,结果令人满意。

    The valence states of cerium in ceric hydroxide was determined by titration method , the results are satisfactory .

  11. 研究了滴定法分析氢氧化铈中铈的价态。稀土材料氢氧化铈吸附水中亚砷酸与砷酸阴离子的特性效果

    This paper has investigated the analysis of different valence states of cerium in ceric hydroxide by titration . Adsorption Characteristics of Arsenite and Arsenate on Hydrous Ceric Oxide

  12. 讨论了前驱体氢氧化铈的硝酸溶解性能、硝酸铈铵结晶母液的循环利用、结晶母液中铈的回收方法。

    The solubility of the precursor ceric hydroxide in nitric acid , recycle of crystal mother liquor of ammonium ceric hydroxide , and recovery method for cerium in mother liquor have been investigated .

  13. 研究了氢氧化铈合成的绿色方法.以碳酸铈和醋酸为主要原料,最后获得氢氧化铈和醋酸钠。

    A green method for ceric hydroxide synthesis with cerium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide as main raw materials is reported , and two products , ceric hydroxide and sodium acetate , are obtained .