
  • 网络hydrogen fueled engine
  1. 氢燃料发动机燃烧与排放控制研究进展

    Study on Combustion and Emission Control of Hydrogen Fueled Engine

  2. 给出了一些氢燃料发动机的排放试验数据,并与使用其它燃料时进行了比较。

    Experimental data for emissions from the hydrogen fueled engine were presented and compared with those from some gasoline engines using different fuels .

  3. 氢燃料发动机NOx排放特性与预测

    The NO_x Emission and Calculation on Hydrogen Fueled Engines

  4. 天使(英文)基于RBF优化控制氢燃料发动机点火提前角

    Optimize Advanced Ignition Angel of Hydrogen-fueled Engines Based on RBF Neutral Network

  5. 通过CFD软件STAR-CD建立了缸外预混合氢燃料发动机三维模拟仿真模型。

    The three-dimensional simulation model was built by the CFD software called STAR-CD for the hydrogen engine that was premixed outside cylinder .

  6. 氢燃料发动机电控单元开发与怠速控制策略的研究

    ECU Development and Idle Control Strategy Research for Hydrogen-fueled Engine

  7. 氢燃料发动机燃烧与优化控制

    Combustion and Optimizing Control in a Hydrogen-Fueled Engine

  8. 氢燃料发动机的应用

    Application of hydrogen fueled engines

  9. 研究的对象为低热值气体掺氢燃料发动机,采用台架试验研究的研究方法。

    The object of the research is low heating value gas mixed with hydrogen gas flue engine .

  10. 对怠速工况下回火现象的生成机理进行理论分析,研究了氢燃料发动机怠速控制策略。

    The mechanism of backfire in idle condition is theoretically analyzed and the idle control strategy is studied .

  11. 主要从发动机的新能源和排放污染等方面,探讨推广氢燃料发动机的必要性及其应用可行性。

    In connection with the use of clean energy source and emission control , the necessity and feasibility for application of a hydrogen fueled engine were discussed .

  12. 叙述了氢燃料发动机的特点、结构和工作原理,以及氢燃料的储存及燃烧特性。

    In this presentation , the features , structure and working principles of a hydrogen fueled engine were illustrated , inclusive of the storage and combustion performance of hydrogen fuel .

  13. 基于模糊神经网络的氢燃料汽车发动机双模式控制系统

    A Series Connection Control System of Hydrogen Fueled Engines Based on Fuzzy-neural Network

  14. 基于RBF神经网络构建氢(H2)燃料发动机最佳点火提前角优化模型,对点火提前角进行优化控制,改善H2燃料发动机动力性、经济性以及排放性能。

    Constructs the ignition timing optimization model of the hydrogen-fueled engine based on the RBF neural network . The optimized control to the advanced ignition angel improves the hydrogen-fueled engine power , economy of fuel and characteristic of exhaust gas .

  15. 作者对余热制氢装置及氢-汽油双燃料发动机的各项性能进行试验研究。

    Tests of the hydrogen generator and hydrogen-petrol engine were studied .

  16. 氢和含氢气燃料发动机燃烧与排放特性研究

    Hydrogen and Hydrogenous Mixture Fuelled Engine Combustion and Emission Characteristics Study

  17. 应用单片机控制氢-汽油双燃料发动机回火的探讨

    An Exploration of Eliminating Backfire in Hydrogen-Gasoline Fueled Engine Using a Chip Microprocessor

  18. 氢-汽油双燃料发动机性能试验研究

    Experimental Research on Hydrogen - Petrol Engine

  19. 笔者研究了一个有突扩台阶的氢燃料高超声速冲压发动机模型的气体动力学特性和推力特性。

    In this paper a dual-mode Scramjet model engine was experimentally investigated with hydrogen fuel burning .

  20. 在一个有突扩台阶的氢燃料高超声速冲压发动机模型内研究了氢燃料喷注方式对点火与燃烧效果的影响。

    A dual-mode scramjet model engine with a rear-faced step is experimentally investigated with different hydrogen fuel injection manners .

  21. 氢和含氢燃料发动机的研究对我国发展新一代车用代用燃料技术具有重要意义。

    Using hydrogen as fuel of internal combustion engine is very meaningful and critical for the alternative fuel development .

  22. 介绍一种氢-汽油双燃料发动机,这种双燃料发动机装有余热制氢装置,可用甲醇制取氢并燃用氢与汽油混合燃料。

    The paper introduces a kind of hydrogen-petrol engine , which generates hydrogen by methanol using residual heat and burns hydrogen-petrol duel fuel .

  23. 燃气轮机燃烧室燃烧流场的数值模拟氢燃料超燃冲压发动机燃烧室非结构网格数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation Was Made of the Combusting Flow in the Gas Turbine Combustion ; Numerical simulations of hydrogen-fueled scramjet combustor flowfields on unstructured grid

  24. 围绕氢燃料作为车用发动机理想代用燃料这一主题,全面论述氢燃料发动机混合气的形成规律和点火技术;

    Focusing on the topic of hydrogen fuel used as the ideal alternative fuel for in - ternal combustion engine , the comprehensive researches on the formation of the hydrogen - air mixture and the ignition technique is conducted .

  25. 对燃料电池发动机、氢发动机和掺氢燃料发动机的最新技术进展以及面临的问题进行了分析研究和总结,并概括和预测了未来的发展方向。

    The development of state-of-the-art technologies of the fuel cell engine , hydrogen internal combustion engine , and various blended hydrogen-fuel internal combustion engines are discussed and analyzed , and finally the development trend of these technologies are forecasted .

  26. 纯氢和天然气掺氢燃料发动机的试验研究

    Experimental Investigation Involving Pure Hydrogen and Addition of Hydrogen to Natural Gas on a SI Engine