
  • 网络Dongji;DJE
  1. AmusedByMuse慕斯带来的惊喜东京东急株式会社旗下的慕斯美容美发,想出了一个巧妙地使用染发样品头发的替代方法。那些染过色且被扭绞并编成辫子的头发,曾在染发剂机架上,被公开地展出。

    The Muse Beauty Salon ( c / o Tokyu Agency Inc. , Tokyo ) has come up with an ingenious alternate use for those twisted and braided samples of dyed hair commonly displayed at the hair dye rack .

  2. 在日本春天花粉过敏季节即将到来时,东京东急饭店日前决定为客人开启“空气淋浴器”,以减少花粉对客人的危害。

    With Japan 's pollen allergy season about to set in , polo ralph lauren , a Tokyo hotel is setting up a special floor to ease the suffering for sneezing guests .