
  1. 这部影片现身于东京国际电影节的竞赛单元。影片中,核事故导致全国居民疏散,期间机器人却一直对主人(BryerlyLong饰)不离不弃。

    In the film , shown in the competition section of the Tokyo International Film Festival , the robot stays loyal to its owner - played by Bryerly Long - as the nation evacuates following a nuclear disaster .

  2. 为了加深合作及扩大影响力,亚洲电影大奖如今由亚洲历史最悠久的电影节――香港国际电影节(HongKongInternationalFilmFestival)、釜山国际电影节(BusanInternationalFilmFestival)和东京国际电影节(TokyoInternationalFilmFestival)联合主办,

    In a bid to broaden their relevance and scope , the awards are now jointly organized by Asia 's most-established film festivals : The Hong Kong International Film Festival , the Busan International Film Festival and the Tokyo International Film Festival .

  3. 低排放、省能源的日本紧凑型车技术&第33届东京国际汽车展中日本汽车技术一瞥

    Low Emission and Energy Efficient Compact Cars of Japan ELITES AND CARS

  4. 东京国际展示中心,日本

    Tokyo International Exhibition Center , Japan , 1995

  5. 融合化的金融体制将提高日本金融机构的竞争力,增强东京国际金融市场的地位。

    The integrated financial system will improve the competitive power of Japanese financial market .

  6. 欢迎来到东京国际机场。

    Welcome to Tokyo International Airport .

  7. 东京国际金融期货交易所

    Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange

  8. 在东京国际玩具展览会上,日本的玩具制造商们展示了各种新奇的和经典的玩具。

    Japanese toy manufacturers showcase innovative new toys and classics with a twist at the International Tokyo Toy Show .

  9. 2003年《暖》荣获第16届东京国际电影节最佳影片、最佳男演员奖。

    In2003 , he was presented award for Best Film and Best Actor for NUAN at the16th Tokyo International Film Festival .

  10. 在回东京国际论坛为演唱会准备之前,我们深深地吸了几口新鲜空气,放松自己。

    We literally breath some fresh air before heading to the Tokyo International Forum for preparing and rehearsing before the show .

  11. 日本民间舞蹈团1963年在东京国际艺术家中心建立,该中心是一个致力于国际文化交流的非盈利组织。

    The Japan folkloric dance troupe was founded within the framework of international artists center in tokyo , a non-profit organization engaged in international cultural exchanges .

  12. 许多重大活动都被取消了,包括世界花样滑冰锦标赛、日本时装周和东京国际动漫展。组织者们称这次是“极端情况”。

    A number of major events have been canceled , including the World Figure Skating Championships , Japan Fashion Week and the Tokyo International Anime Fair whose organizers cited " extreme circumstances . "

  13. 我真的很希望在今天下午见到我的朋友莎拉布莱曼。我们坐在一家咖啡厅里见面,能在去东京国际论坛排练的空挡,一边聊天一边品尝绿茶,真是一大乐趣。

    We met in a caf é and it was so much fun to talk to each other over a cup of green tea before heading to the Tokyo International Forum for some final rehearsals .

  14. 这个领域你可能想象不到有多少技术产品,但在2017年东京国际殡葬展会上,所有的目光都集中在佛教僧侣的最新突破上。

    It 's not an area where you 'd expect to find many tech products , but at the Tokyo International Funeral And Cemetery Show 2017 , all eyes were on the latest breakthrough in Buddhist priests .

  15. 他们试图依靠Unix来弥补软件方面的不足。一位驻东京的国际数据公司的分析家说。

    " They 're trying to overcome their software inferiority with Unix ," said an analyst in Tokyo with International Data Corp.

  16. 东京大学国际MPP每年学费为53.58万日元(合4428美元),另外还有28.2万日元的录取费。如果考虑到有政府补贴的话,李光耀公共政策学院的国际MPP学员的学费是3.45万新元(合24585美元)。

    Tuition is an annual Y535800 ( $ 4428 ) for the international MPP in Tokyo , on top of an admissions fee of Y282000 , while the Lee Kuan Yew School 's international MPP students pay S $ 34500 ( $ 24585 ) once state subsidies are accounted for .

  17. 东京:国际大都市之路&兼论对上海的启示

    Tokyo : the Way to an International Metropolis & Enlightenment to Shanghai

  18. 东京三菱国际(香港)有限公司

    Tokyo-Mitsubishi International ( HK ) Limited

  19. 世纪大审判回眸&2000年东京女性国际战犯法庭评述

    Retrospective Glance of the World - Famous Trial : Comments on Women 's International War Crimes Tribunal in Tokyo

  20. 下次到东京成田国际机场的时候,不要忘记在滑手机之前把它擦干净。

    Don 't forget to wipe before you swipe the next time you are at Tokyo 's Narita International Airport .

  21. 安倍晋三是在布宜诺斯艾利斯发表的讲话,他在上周六抵达这里,为东京在国际奥委会一个重要会议上的申奥活动做最后的努力。

    Mr. Abe was speaking from Buenos Aires where he arrived Saturday to give a final push to Tokyo 's bid at a key IOC meeting .

  22. 例如巴黎、米兰、东京等国际时尚之都,其时尚产业的辐射力和影响力甚至能够跨越地区,超越本地区及本国范围。

    Such as Paris , Milan , Tokyo and other international fashion capitals , the radial power and influence of the fashion industry even across the region , beyond the region and the national level .

  23. 但是,与纽约、伦敦和东京等国际金融中心相比,上海金融中心建设仍面临诸多问题和困难。

    But comparing with other major international financial centers such as New York , London , Tokyo , there is still a big gap between Shanghai . Building the international financial center in Shanghai still faces many difficult .

  24. 阿里云的国际业务是在新加坡注册的,总部也设在新加坡,该公司在迪拜、法兰克福、香港、伦敦、纽约、巴黎、圣马特奥、首尔、新加坡、悉尼和东京设有国际业务团队。

    Alibaba Cloud 's international operations are registered and headquartered in Singapore , and the company has international teams stationed in Dubai , Frankfurt , Hong Kong , London , New York , Paris , San Mateo , Seoul , Singapore , Sydney and Tokyo .

  25. 联合国秘书长抵达东京竭力为国际维和争取支持。

    The UN secretary-general arrived in Tokyo to drum up support for international peacekeeping

  26. 但首尔说,不会考虑东京让海牙国际法庭(InternationalCourtofJustice)对此事进行仲裁的提议。

    But Seoul said it wouldn 't consider Tokyo 's proposal to have the International Court of Justice look into the dispute .

  27. 几家中国大银行已表示,不出席周二在日本东京召开的国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行年会。

    China 's major banks have confirmed they will not attend the International Monetary Fund-World Bank meeting that opens Tuesday in Tokyo .

  28. 会议可能通过第四届东京非洲发展国际会议(TICADIV)《行动计划》(其中包括一个监控机制)来解决这些问题。

    Ticad-storyA TICAD IV Action Plan , including a monitoring mechanism , is expected to address these issues .

  29. 东京非洲发展国际会议(TICAD)是1993年发起的,从那以后每五年举办一次。

    The Tokyo International Conference on African Development ( TICAD ) was launched in1993 and has been held every five years since .

  30. 我们将提高东京港口的国际竞争力。

    We will elevate the international competitiveness of the port of tokyo .