
  • 网络hydrogen bond crystal
  1. 研究表明这种在晶体生长中形成的硅氢键对晶体完整性隐含着影响,并发现硅单晶中氢致缺陷的形成与硅氢键在高温下的断裂有密切关系。

    Investigation showed that the Si-H bonds formed in crystal growth influences implicitly on the crystal perfection , and it was discovered that there exists a close relationship between the production , of defects by hydrogen and the breakdown of hydrogen-associated bonds at high temperature .

  2. 可以使蛋白分子间形成氢键,降低晶体蛋白溶解度;

    The intermolecular hydrogen-bonds were rearranged , which would reduce the solubility of mutant γ D protein .

  3. 氨基酸分子以分子间氢键相互连接构成晶体。

    Amino acids can exist with a highly ordered crystal structure linked by hydrogen intermolecular bonds in the solid phase .