
  • 网络piezoelectric constant;piezoelectricity constant;piezoelectric coefficient
  1. 压电常数d33为1330pC/N;在13.6kV/cm电场下应变达0.312%。

    Piezoelectric constant d_ ( 33 ) is 1 330 pC / N and the strain at 13.6 kV / cm up to 0.312 % .

  2. 与传统的线路传输压电常数测量方法相比较,本方法具有许多优点。

    Comparing with the traditional method of measuring the piezoelectric constant , the present method has much more advantages .

  3. 实验结果表明,钨铜酸锶可对PZT材料进行较好的改性作用,使材料的压电常数提高到570pC/N。

    The results indicate the strontium tungsten - cuprum modified PZT material has good piezoelectric property .

  4. 文章对压电常数作了数学模拟,实验结果表明:在压电陶瓷(PZT)体积含量较高时,实验值与计算值比较吻合。

    The results showed that experimental values have a good agreement with calculated values at high PZT volume content .

  5. LiNbO3晶体的布里渊散射与弹性常数和压电常数的测定

    Brillouin scattering in LiNbO_3 crystals and measurements of elastic and piezoelectric constants

  6. ZnO薄膜的高电阻率与单一的C轴结晶择优取向决定了它具有良好的压电常数与机电耦合系数,可用于各种压电、压光、电声、声光器件和表面型气敏元件。

    High resistivity ZnO films with a single C-axis preferred orientation determines that it has good piezoelectric constants and electromechanical coupling coefficient , can be used for a variety of piezoelectric , pressure light , electro-acoustic , acousto-optic devices and surface-based gas sensor .

  7. 第三相对0-3型钛酸铅/环氧树脂压电常数的影响

    The third phase material influences on piezoelectric value of 0-3 lead titanate / epoxy

  8. 橡胶的极性越大及分子链的柔性越高,则复合材料的压电常数d(33)越高。

    The greater the polarity and the molecular flexibility of rubbers , the higher the piezoelectric constants of the composites .

  9. 对不同方案所得复合材料样品进行性能测试表明,低介电性陶瓷粉体、陶瓷颗粒良好的粒度分布和一定量聚苯胺的掺入,都使得复合材料的压电常数得到了一定程度的提高。

    The property test shows that the piezoelectricity of composites is enhanced by utilizing ceramic powders with low permittivity and good size distribution and proper addition of Poly-aniline .

  10. 通过压电常数和介电常数测定、扫描电镜、介电谱等手段研究了有关因素对复合材料压电性能的影响。

    The effect of several factors on the piezoelectric properties of the composits was studied by measuring piezoelectric and dielectric constants , and using scanning electron micro-scope and dielectric spectroscopy .

  11. 推导了振子的谐振频率、反谐振频率、等效电路参数与振子材料的介电常数、压电常数、弹性常数之间的关系式。

    The formulae for the resonant frequency , anti-resonant frequency and parameters of the equivalent circuit with the dielectric constants , piezoelectric constants , piezoelectric constants , and elastic constants of the resonator material are derived .

  12. 通过静态分析可以得到复合材料的压电常数、相对介电常数、刚度常数;通过模态分析和谐波相应分析可以分别得剑复合材料的机电耦合系数、频率、阻抗等。

    We get piezoelectric constants , relative dielectric constants , rigidity constants of the composites through static analysis . We also can get electromechanical couple factors , frequencies , and impedances through mode and harmonious wave analysis .

  13. 首次测量了GdCa4O(BO3)3晶体的全部介电常数、压电应变常数和部分机电耦合系数。

    All of the dielectric constants , piezoelectric strain constants , elastic compliance constants and some electroelastic coupling factors of GdCa4O ( BO3 ) 3 singe crystal have been determined for the first time .

  14. 结果表明:随着PMN体积分数增大,压电应变常数d33呈非线性增大,压电电压常数g33呈非线性减小。

    The results show that the piezoelectric voltage factor g _ ( 33 ) decreases nonlinearly with the volume fraction of the piezoelectric ceramic phase increasing , but piezoelectric strain factor d_ ( 33 ), dielectric constant and electromechanical coupling coefficient K_p and K_t increase .

  15. 首次测量了YCaO(BO3)3晶体的全部压电应变常数、压电应力常数、弹性柔顺常数、弹性刚度常数以及介电常数。

    All of the piezoelectric strain constants , piezoelectric stress constants , elastic compliance constants , elastic stiffness constants and dielectric constants of YCaO ( BO 3 ) 3 single crystal have been determined for the first time .

  16. 通过数值计算,给出了裂纹的几何尺寸、压电材料常数、入射波频率等对于应力强度因子的影响。

    Numerical examples were presented to show the effect of the geometry of the interacting cracks , the piezoelectric constants of the materials and the frequency of the incident waves upon the stress intensity factors .

  17. 同时用这种工艺制备可以获得介电损耗小、机电耦合系数为25.11%、压电应变常数为32PCN和机电品质因数可达到302的0&3型压电复合材料。

    Besides , 0-3 type piezoelectric composites prepared by this way is of low loss tangent , the mechanical quality factor 302 , piezoelectric D_ 33 constant 32 PC / N and mechanical couping coeffcient 25.11 % .

  18. GB/T12634-1990压电晶体电弹常数测试方法

    Test methods for electroelastic constants of piezoelectric crystals

  19. 给出了它们的弹性刚度常数和压电应力常数。

    The elastic stiffness constants and piezoelectric stress constants of these crystals have been obtained .

  20. 最后数值计算得到兰姆波零阶反对称模式对单晶薄层的密度、厚度、弹性刚度系数、压电应力常数和介电常数的灵敏度曲线。

    At last the sensitivity curves of lowest-order Lamb mode on bulk density , plate thickness and the components of elastic stiffness constant , piezoelectric stress constant and dielectric permittivity are calculated and analyzed .

  21. 四硼酸锂(Li2B4O7)压电晶体全部电弹常数的测定

    Measurements of electro-elastic constats of lithium tetraborate ( Li_2B_4O_7 ) crystal

  22. D3(32)点群压电晶体全部电弹常数的测定

    Measurements of all the electro-elastic constants for the crystals of d_3 ( 32 ) class

  23. 最后,给出这种新型压电晶体的电弹常数。

    Finally , the electro-elastic constants of this single crystal as a new kind of piezoelectric material are given .

  24. 干涉法测量压电材料复压电常数e(31)

    A Method for measuring Complex Piezoelectric Constants e_ ( 31 )

  25. E-S法测量压电元件压电应变常数d(33)的研究

    A Study on the E-S Method for Measuring the Constant d_ ( 33 ) of Piezoelectric Elements

  26. 逆压电效应的压电常数和压电陶瓷微位移驱动器

    Piezoelectric Constants Measured from Converse Piezoelectric Effect and Piezoelectric Ceramic Actuators

  27. 基于Newnham复合材料串、并联理论,推导了计算1-3-2型压电复合材料的介电常数和压电常数的公式。

    Based on the Newnham series and parallel theory of composites , deduced the calculation formulae of dielectric and piezoelectric constant of 1-3-2 type piezoelectric composite .

  28. 采用溶液共混法和热压法分别制备了PZN-PZT/PI、PZN-PZT/PVDF0-3型压电复合材料,所得材料具有较高的压电常数和良好的可柔性加工性能。

    PZN-PZT / PI , PZN-PZT / PVDF 0-3 piezoelectric composites were fabricated using solution blended and hot pressing processes . The piezoelectric constant d_ ( 33 ) and flexibility of the materials are excellent .

  29. 此外,还系统研究了P2试样压电参数的老化行为,研究结果表明:电容量C和压电常数d33的老化行为均服从对数定律。

    The aging of capacitance and piezoelectric constant were found follow the logarithmic law .

  30. 本文依据压电板振动理论,提出D3(32)点群压电晶体全部电弹常数测量新方案,以国产α-石英晶体为例,给出其全部电弹常数及部分机电耦合系数。

    The approach of measuring all the electro-elastic constants for the crystals of D3 ( 32 ) class has been developed by means of the vibrational theory for piezoelectric plates . As an example , all the electro-elastic constants of α - Quartz have been obtained using the approach .