
  • 网络piezoelectric;Piezoelectric material;PZT;piezo-electric
  1. 进一步改进和完善了其制作工艺和封装技术,有效地解决了传统压电材料相容性不好、耐久性差、具有易损性等方面的问题。

    The fabrication process and encapsulation technique have been further improved and perfected . The serious problem affecting its application due to bad compatibility , poor durability and vulnerability of traditional PZT materials are effectively solved .

  2. 但由于传统的压电传感器存在着空气与普通的压电材料之间严重不耦合现象,所以压电传感器并不是高效率的超声源。

    The traditional PZT , however , is not the ultrasonic source with high efficiency because of the serious non-coupling phenomena between air and ordinary piezoelectric material .

  3. 干涉法测量压电材料复压电常数e(31)

    A Method for measuring Complex Piezoelectric Constants e_ ( 31 )

  4. 压电材料是SAW器件基本材料,该基片材料是影响SAW器件性能的一个决定性因素。

    Piezoelectric material for SAW devices is the decision factor affecting SAW device characteristic .

  5. 计算功能梯度压电材料能量释放率的修正J积分法

    A Modified J-Integral Method for Calculating Energy Release Rates for Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Materials

  6. Yang等已经成功建立了压电材料基于损伤的断裂准则。

    Yang et al has established the piezoelectric fracture criteria based on the combinations of mechanical and electrical damage .

  7. 和实指数型奇异性一1/2士k,其中ε和k由上下两相压电材料的本构常数加以确定。

    1 / 2 ? k , here e and k are two small and real quantities determined by the constitutive constants of the bimaterials .

  8. 利用Fourier级数展开,再遵循轴对称问题的类似推导过程,即可得到多层压电材料空间非轴对称问题的一般解析式。

    Using the Fourier transform and following the similar reasoning steps of the axisymmetric problem , we obtain the general solution formulation of multilayered non-axisymmetric space piezoelectric media .

  9. 压电材料中界面附近圆柱夹杂对SH波的散射及动应力集中

    Scattering of SH-Wave and Dynamic Stress Concentration on a Piezoelectric Medium with an Inclusion Near the Interface ; road mix surface

  10. 提出了一种利用有机压电材料PVDF制作机器人腕力传感器的新方法。

    A new method for makeing robot wrist sensor , applying piezoelectric organic material polyvinylidene fluoride ( PVDF ) was discussed .

  11. 利用Schmidt方法研究压电材料Ⅰ-型界面裂纹问题

    Investigation of the Behavior of a Model - ⅰ Interface Crack in Piezoelectric Materials by Using the Schmidt Method

  12. 复合压电材料D(33)数值的Dilute模型分析

    This improved mixing dielectric model yields an excellent fit to measured data . ANALYSIS OF D_ ( 33 ) OF DILUTE MODEL COMPOSITE PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIALS

  13. 在该弱形式的基础上,利用特征方程展开方法(eigenfunctionexpansiontechnique),可以得到一个分析压电材料裂纹尖端处力电耦合场奇异性的特殊的一维有限元列式。

    By using the eigenfunction expansion technique and the weak form , a special one-dimensional finite element formulation is developed to determine singularities of electromechanical fields at the crack tip in piezoelectrics .

  14. 研究了压电材料耦合动态场中Hamilton型和Gurtin型变分原理的逆问题。

    The inverse problems in Hamilton and Gurtin Calculus of Variations for coupled dynamic piezoelectric media were studied .

  15. 锆钛酸铅压电材料(PZT)因具有优良的压电性能、热释电性能、铁电性能和介电性能而被广泛地应用在微电子机械系统(MEMS)中。

    Lead zirconate titanate ( PZT ) piezoelectric materials are widely used in micro-electro-mechanical systems ( MEMS ) with the good properties of piezoelectric , pyroelectric , ferroelectric and dielectric .

  16. AlN作为压电材料可以实现声信号和电信号之间的转变。另外,AlN薄膜的最大优势就是其声速是在所有无机非铁电性压电材料中最快。

    As the piezoelectric material the advantage of aluminum nitride film is the fastest speed of sound in all inorganic non-ferrous electrical properties of piezoelectric materials .

  17. 本文采用HybridTrefftz边界元法分别分析了弹性材料和压电材料Ⅲ型断裂问题。

    The analysis of mode ⅲ fracture problems for elastic material and piezoelectric material are studied in the paper by Hybrid Trefftz boundary element approach .

  18. 利用ANSYS软件对粘贴有压电材料的智能板结构建立有限元模型,通过瞬态动力学分析(时间历程分析)并编写APDL(AnsysParameterDesignLanguage)程序实现了对智能板的振动控制仿真。

    The finite element model of smart structures with piezoelectric materials is established by ANSYS software . The vibration control of structure has become true through compiling the APDL ( ansys parameter design language ) program and using transient dynamic analysis ( time-history analysis ) .

  19. 无铅压电材料NBT-BZT陶瓷压电性能及改性

    Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramic of NBT-BZT : Piezoelectric Properties and Its Modification

  20. 本文在线弹性范畴内,建立了求解半无限压电材料中界面附近圆孔结构对SH波散射与动应力集中问题的解析方法。

    An analytic method based on the theory of linear elasticity is developed for the problem of scattering of steady SH-wave and dynamic analysis on a piezoelectric medium with a cavity near the interface in this paper .

  21. 用复函数的Faber级数展开方法,通过求解Hilbert问题研究了含任意曲线裂纹的压电材料反平面应变问题,获得了问题的解析解和场强度因子。

    The analytic solution and the intensity factor of anti plane strain problems of curvilinear cracks in piezoelectric materials are obtained by using the Faber series expansion of complex variable functions and solving Hilbert problem .

  22. 应用复变函数的Faber级数展开方法,本文研究了含椭圆形刚性夹杂的压电材料平面问题,给出了问题的封闭解。

    This paper expresses potential function of complex variable in Faber series and the solution in closed form is provided for the plane stress problems in piezoelectric media with elliptic rigid inclusion .

  23. 介绍了压电材料(PZT)的特性、压电换能器和超声波变幅杆的理论,本文给出了两种新型雾化器的模型,对雾滴的形成原理和影响雾化质量的因数进行了分析。

    Characteristic of Piezoelectric materials PZT and theory of transducer and ultrasonic horn are introduced . Model of two new type nebulizers and analysis of aerosol forming are described in this paper . The factor of influence nebulization quality is also described .

  24. 用Stroh方法分析了各向异性压电材料电导通型裂纹问题的耦合场。

    The coupled elastic and electric fields for the anisotropically piezoelectric materials with electrically permeable cracks are exactly analyzed by using Stroh formulae in anisotropic elasticity .

  25. 根据压电材料的压电效应和压电方程,研究了PVDF的传感特性以及结构应变监测的机理。分析了PVDF的工作原理、粘贴工艺、等效测量电路等。

    Based on the piezoelectric effect and piezoelectric equations , this paper has not only studied the sensing properties of PVDF and the mechanism of structural strain monitoring , but also analyzed its working principle and paste technology , the equivalent measurement circuit .

  26. 基于横观各向同性压电材料的材料系数具有一定的对称性,通过Fourier变换求出了半空间受法向点力与点电荷时的Boussinesq解的解析表达式,并讨论了相应的势函数。

    Based on the symmetry properties of the material constants , the Boussinesq solution in analytic form was obtained by Fourier transforms for a transversely isotropic piezoelectric half-space submitted with a normal point force and a point charge . The associated potential function was also discussed .

  27. 二者均为较好的压电材料,从PVDF/PA11共混纤维的可纺性和压电性两方面讨论,50wt/50wt的PVDF/PA11纤维性能最好。

    So two-polymer blend fibers were prepared . According to piezoelectricity and spinning property , we found the optimal proportion of two composites , and 50wt / 50wt PVDF / PA11 fibers were suitable .

  28. 本文基于现代控制理论选用结构控制能量和控制信号能量作为控制目标函数的LQR法,利用压电材料对各种支撑条件下的板进行结构振动的主动控制。

    Based on the modern control method , a LQR method , in which the vibration energy of the structure and the control signal energy were chosen as the object function , was adopted to control the vibration of plate with various boundary conditions through using piezoelectric material .

  29. 压电材料中两个非对称平行裂纹的基本解

    Basic Solution of Two Parallel Non-Symmetric Permeable Cracks in Piezoelectric Materials

  30. 双周期裂纹压电材料反平面剪切问题断裂力学分析

    Fracture analysis of double periodical cracked piezoelectric materials under antiplane shear