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  • compressor
  1. ps级脉冲光纤放大器和压缩器关于第一推动力及多级推动力的问题

    Ps fiber amplifier and gratings compressor On the First Impetus and Multilevel Impetus

  2. 噪声数据压缩器检测平台的PCM解码实现

    Realization of PCM Decoding on Noise Data Compressor Testing Panel

  3. 其他大多数XML压缩器以不同的方式模拟这种思路。

    Most of the remaining XML compressors simulated this idea in different ways .

  4. 从原则上说,XML压缩器可以根据两个主要特点进行分类。

    In principle , XML compressors can be classified with respect to two main characteristics .

  5. 根据其对XML文档结构的感知对XML压缩器进行分类的示意图

    Diagram of classification of XML compressors according to their awareness of the structure of XML documents

  6. 这种XML压缩器允许通过其被压缩的格式处理查询。

    This group of the XML compressors allows queries to be processed over their compressed formats .

  7. 这种压缩器的压缩比通常比归档XML压缩器的压缩比差。

    The compression ratio of this group is usually worse than that of the archival XML compressors .

  8. 只有使用此类压缩器来压缩带有预定义模式的XML文档时,这类压缩器才是有效的。

    This type of compressor can be effective only when it is used to compress XML documents with predefined schemas .

  9. 此类压缩器在XML文档的编码过程中将结构部分和数据部分分隔开。

    This class of compressors separates the structural part from the data part during the encoding process of the XML document .

  10. 此类压缩器在编码和解码流程中要求可用XML文档的模式信息。

    This class of compressors requires the availability of the schema information of the XML document during their encoding and decoding processes .

  11. 可查询XML压缩器的主要功能是允许通过其压缩格式直接评估查询,而无需对整个文档进行解压缩。

    The main focus of queriable XML compressors is to allow queries to be directly evaluated over their compressed formats without decompressing the whole document .

  12. 尽管可查询XML压缩器对于许多应用非常重要,但是它没有可靠的基于语法的XML压缩技术,也没有公开可用的可查询XML压缩器。

    While queriable XML compressors are very important for many applications , no solid implementations for grammar-based XML compression techniques and queriable XML compressors are publicly available .

  13. 这种压缩器旨在利用对XML文档结构的感知,实现比一般文本压缩器更好的压缩比率。

    This group of compressors is designed to take advantage of the awareness of the XML document structure to achieve better compression ratios over general text compressors .

  14. C语言嵌入式数据压缩器C-DC的设计

    The Design Approach of € Language Nested Data Compressor C-DC

  15. 文章介绍了一种新的脉冲压缩器,它是在梳状色散光纤压缩器中加入了相位敏感放大器(PSA)而构成的。

    A new compressor that combines comb-like fiber chain and phase-sensitive amplifiers is proposed in this paper .

  16. 这种XML压缩器是与XML无关的,也就是说,它们将XML文档用作普通的纯文本文件,因此采用的是传统的文本压缩技术。

    This group of XML compressors is XML-blind , that is , they treat XML documents as usual plain text documents and thus apply the traditional text compression techniques .

  17. 该软件包括一个内置的压缩器,因此你可以创建ZIP存档并且减少百分之70的文件尺寸。

    It includes a built-in compressor so you can create ZIP archives and reduce image sizes by70 percent .

  18. 乘法器采用改进的Booth算法,简化了部分积符号扩展,使用Wallace树结构和4-2压缩器对部分积归约。

    This multiplier used modified Booth Algorithm , Wallace tree and 4 - 2 compressor .

  19. 本设计完成了数据实时无损压缩的硬件电路,还用VC设计了相应的测试软件与解压软件,其中测试软件给硬件压缩器以后的功能升级提供了极大的便利。

    The corresponding testing software and decompression software are also designed by using VC . The testing software provides a great convenience for upgrading hardware .

  20. 此类压缩器以压缩格式保留XML文档的原始结构,以便能够使用与原始格式相同的方式对其进行访问和解析。

    This class of compressors retains the original structure of the XML document in the compressed format so it can be accessed and parsed in the same way as the original format .

  21. XPress是另一种同质XML压缩器,使用组合功能高效地压缩和检索XML数据。

    XPress is another homomorphic queriable XML compressor that uses a combination of the characteristics to compress and retrieve XML data efficiently .

  22. 采用磁压缩器的XeCl准分子激光器

    An XeCl excimer laser with magnetic compressor

  23. XMLPPM是流XML压缩器,使用称为MHM的复用分层PPM模型。

    XMLPPM is a streaming XML compressor that uses a multiplexed hierarchical PPM model called MHM .

  24. 尽管PPM比较简单,但它是目前为止提供的最高效的压缩器,同时也是计算最昂贵的压缩器。

    Although PPM is simple and is the most efficient of the compressors presented so far , it is also computationally the most expensive .

  25. 该RSA处理器在其模乘法器中使用了CSA(进位保留加法器)结构以避免长进位链,并采用一种新型(4∶2)压缩器结构以减少面积和延迟。

    A Carry-Save-Adder architecture , which is implemented by redesigned ( 4 ∶ 2 ) compressors , is used in the multiplier to avoid the long carry propagation .

  26. XMill压缩器的一般架构图

    Diagram of the general architecture of the XMill compressor

  27. XMill压缩器的命令行选项屏幕截图

    Screen capture of command-line options of the XMill compressor

  28. 分析了时域脉冲压缩原理及数字式脉冲压缩方法,介绍了一种由专用型FIR芯片构成的数字式脉冲压缩器,并给出了试验结果。

    This paper analyzes the principle of time-domain pulse compression , and presents a implementation method for the digital pulse compression system using high-speed programmable FIR filter . The experimental result of this system is also given .

  29. 本文给出一个在微型计算机上实现的C语言嵌入式数据压缩器C-DC的设计方法,采用移动词典压缩+哈夫曼编码压缩。

    This paper introduces the design approach to a nested C language data compressor which is implemented on microcomputer . It uses shifting dictionary compression and Huffman coding compression .

  30. 该脉冲压缩器主体包括梳状色散分布光纤(CDPF)和喇曼放大器两部分。

    This compressor consists of a comb-like dispersion-profiled fiber ( CDPF ) and a Raman amplifier .