
kūn qīnɡ kūn
  • quinhydrone
  1. 醌氢醌对蔬菜生长的影响及作用机理研究

    Studies on Effects of Quinhydrone upon Vegetable Growth and its Mechanism

  2. 脲酶抑制剂醌氢醌对蕹菜根系活性的影响

    Effect of Quinhydrone on Root Activity of Water Spinach

  3. 凝胶醌氢醌PVC涂膜特拉唑嗪选择电极的研制与应用

    Preparation and Application of a PVC Membrance Terazosin Ion-selective Electrode Based on Gel Quinhydrone Internal Reference Electrode

  4. 对苯二酚显影过程产物醌氢醌吸附在Ag胶上的紫外-可见吸收光谱及SERS研究

    UV-Vis absorption spectra and SERS spectra of quinhydrones adsorbed on silver sol in the developing process of hydroquinone

  5. 土壤施用脲酶抑制剂醌氢醌后蕹菜叶绿素荧光动力学的变化

    Changes of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics in water spinach after applying quinhydrone in soil

  6. 结果表明:制备的醌氢醌产率达88%,纯度达98%;

    The results were as follows : the production rate of quinhydrone was88 % , purity coefficient was 98 % ;

  7. 以蕹菜为试材,采用盆栽法,研究了不同用量的醌氢醌对蕹菜根系活性的影响,结果表明,醌氢醌使蕹菜根系活力、根系呼吸强度、根Na+-K+-ATP酶活力提高;

    Effect of quinhydrone on root activities was studied under pot experiment with water spinach . The results showed that the activity of root and root Na ~ + - K ~ + - ATPase were improved , and the root respiration rate was increased .

  8. 聚噻吩对醌-氢醌的电催化作用阴阳两极降解废水中氯酚的研究

    Degradation of chlorophenol in the wastewater with anodic - cathodic electrocatalysis

  9. 报导了通过固体氧化还原作用以制取α-萘醌,氢醌以及对应的醌氢醌试剂,所有反应均在固体状态下进行.对拓宽氧化还原理论在无机元素化学中的应用有实际意义。

    This paper intends to report three experimentally simple preparations of naphthoquinone , hydroquinone and the corresponding mixed quinhydrone , all redox chemistry being carried out in the solid state . It is of practical significance for the application of theory of redox in Inorganic Chemistry .
