
dùn tài
  • passivity
钝态 [dùn tài]
  • [passivity] 化学活性不大的状态,尤指金属失去了正常的化学活性因而抗腐蚀

钝态[dùn tài]
  1. OCC内这种强酸性环境可使蚀孔内壁金属处于活性态,大面积阳极氧化膜表面则处于钝态,从而加速点蚀孔的扩大和加深。深孔的电解加工

    Pitting is deepened and widened because the alloy is activated in acid OCC and the anode oxidation coating out of OCC is inactive . The Electrolyzed Processing of Deep Hole

  2. 利用充电曲线数据计算钝态金属的腐蚀速度

    Calculation of Corrosion Rate of Passive Metals with Charge Curve Analysis Technique

  3. 氯离子对钝态金属电极阻抗频谱的影响

    Effect of cl ~ - ion on the impedance of passive-film-covered electrodes

  4. 海洋环境中微生物膜吸附动力学过程对钝态金属开路电位变化特征的影响

    Influence of biofilms adsorption kinetics on the open-circuit-potential changes of Passive Metals in seawater

  5. 应用统计理论中极值分布对钝态金属小孔腐蚀的研究

    Applying the Maximum Distribution in Statistical Theory to Study the Pitting Corrosion on Passive Metals

  6. 但在实际服役环境中,钝态金属往往因温度、压力、离子种类及其浓度、溶解氧浓度等环境因素的影响而发生局部腐蚀。

    Because of the influences of temperature , chloride concentration , hydrostatic pressure and dissolved oxygen , passive metals usually suffer the localized corrosion in service .

  7. 交流电可引起腐蚀电位向活化区漂移、改变金属极化曲线的形状且增大钝态电流密度。

    AC current is liable to have corrosive potential drift to active area , changes the form of metal polarization curve and thus increases the density of passive current .

  8. 缝隙的存在阻碍了试样表面钝态的形成,降低钝态稳定性,从而略微加速钛合金的腐蚀。

    The existence of the crevice impeded the formation of passive state of the samples to reduce the passive stability . Thus , the corrosion rate of titanium alloy slightly accelerated .

  9. 在此情况下,钝态金属电极的电化学阻抗谱进一步反映了电极表面受到固体颗粒摩擦或撞击的阻抗谱特征。

    Under this condition , the EIS of passive electrode further showed that the metal electrode surface was subject to scraping and stroke of solid particles in flowing solid / liquid two-phase media .

  10. 电化学试验表明,铈和硼的原子比为5:8时,合金的钝态电流密度和腐蚀速率都最小,在腐蚀过程中容易发生钝化反应,形成复合钝化膜。

    The results of galvano-chemistry test show that when the atom ratio of Ce and B reaches 5:8 , the alloy may exhibit the lowest passivating Current density ( Icorr ) and corrosion rate .

  11. 本文在实验室对钝态不锈钢小孔腐蚀试验的结果,进行统计理论分析,表明孔蚀最大深度的分布符合极值Ⅰ型分布规律。

    The result of the pitting corrosion experiment on the passive stainless steel in the laboratory is analysed with statistical theory . It shows that the distribution of the maximum depth of the pitting corrosion is coincident with the gumbel type I maximum distribution law .

  12. 钝体冷态流场的PIV实验研究

    The PIV experimental investigation on cold-state wake behind bluff-body

  13. 自由空间开缝钝体冷态速度场研究

    Study of cold state velocity field with slitting bluff body in open space