
  • 网络passivation
  1. 十七年时期作家创作钝化现象探源

    Research into Passivation Phenomena of Writers ' Creation in the Seventeen Year

  2. 本文描述了电镜观察到的一个现象,我们称它为显影中心的钝化现象。

    A phenomenon which we call " passivation of development center " was described .

  3. 材料的电化学极化曲线表明,两种不锈钢在硅湿法磷酸中均出现钝化现象,且904L为自钝化体系。

    Polarization curves show that 316L , 904L stainless steels exist a passive region , and 904L stainless steel is a self-passive system . Scanning electron microscopy of the eroded surface has been performed .

  4. 在实验中,观察到锯齿状内裂面的逐渐消失、退化现象及高温显微镜下裂纹边界棱角的钝化现象。

    During healing , the zigzag disappeared and crack boundary passivated .

  5. 显影中心的钝化现象新疆与中亚诸国贸易发展趋势分析

    Tendency Analysis of Trade Development between Xinjiang and Center - Asia

  6. 利用脉冲电源电解的方式消除了铝阳极絮凝过程中的钝化现象。

    Apply the pulse power electrolysis to eliminate aluminum anodic passive films in the process of electrocoagulation .

  7. 显影中心的钝化现象

    The passivation of development center

  8. 为了考察镀层的自钝化现象,在锌合金镀液中,我们未加任何添加剂。

    In order to examine spontaneity chromate performance of zinc alloy coatings , we do not add any addition agent in the bath .

  9. 随着腐蚀时间的延长,两种系列合金铸铁的腐蚀速度先高后低,均有钝化现象。

    With increasing of the erosive time , the corrosion rates of two mode alloy cast irons from high to low , at the same time , passivating happened .

  10. 但是,因其电化学过程中可溶性铝或铁阳极的钝化现象而限制了其高效低能耗应用。

    However , Its high efficiency and low energy cost appli ˉ cation is limited as the dissoluble aluminium exits and the iron anode is passivated in the course of electrochemistry .

  11. 结果显示,碱液温度越高,碱浓度越低,电流密度越高,铁阳极越容易发生钝化现象。

    The result shows that the higher the temperature , the lower the alkaline solution concentration , the greater the current density , the easier to occur the passivation of iron anode .

  12. 同时发现,锌在电解质溶液中的钝化现象不是按简单的化学机理进行,而是按共轭电化学反应和共轭钝化原理进行。

    It has also been observed that , the passivation of zinc substrate in contact with the electrolytic solution appeared to take place according to coupled electrochemical reaction and passivation mechanism , rather than simple chemical reaction mechanism .

  13. 在新闻实践中,往往会出现某些新闻工作者随着参加工作时间的增加而新闻敏感性却反而逐步钝化的现象。

    In journalism practice activity , the phenomena of News sensitivity passivation sometimes appear as pressman take the practice for a long time .

  14. XeCl准分子激光器钝化中的返潮现象

    Moisture Regain During Passivation of XeCl Laser

  15. 锌电极阳极溶解过程往往伴随着钝化和析氧现象的发生。

    The zinc electrode anodic dissolution process is often accompanied by the occurrence of the phenomenon of passivation and oxygen evolution .

  16. 黄铜在3%的NaCl溶液中会生成Cu2O、CuCl钝化膜,产生钝化现象,极化测试表明冷拔状态无铅黄铜产生点蚀现象。

    The passivation phenomenon of the brass in 3 % NaCl solution can be observed due to the creation of passive film of Cu_2O or CuCl_2 . Occurrence of pitting corrosion in cold-drawn brass can be found after the polarization measurement .