
  • 网络passivation solution
  1. 钝化液中Cl、Mg2+、Ca2+等杂质会不同程度的造成黑灰的产生。

    And the impurity in the passivation solution like Cl - , Mg2 + , Ca2 + lead to the generation of smudge to varying degrees .

  2. 根据其形貌和成分初步判定黑灰产生的原因,知道镀液中的锡泥、软熔工序、钝化液中的杂质和胶辊使用是造成黑灰的主要因素。

    The cause of smudge is initially estimated according to its morphology and composition . It has been clear about that the sludge in the plating solution , reflowing process , the impurity in the passivation solution and rubber roller are the main factor .

  3. 采用在低铬钝化液中添加H3PO4,SiO2,Ti(Ⅳ)盐对钝化膜进行改性;

    The passivating films of zinc plating were modified by adding H3PO4 , SiO2 , Ti (ⅳ) compound in low chromate solution .

  4. 该方法可用于镀铬溶液和铬酸钝化液中Cr(Ⅵ)和Cr(Ⅲ)含量的测定。

    The method can be applied to the determination of Cr (ⅵ) and Cr (ⅲ) in chromium plating bath and chromic acid passivation bath .

  5. 通过腐蚀实验,对原有BTA钝化液进行改进,研制出新的镀铜焊丝的钝化剂。

    Through corrosion experiment , a new kind of passivator has been studied by improving original BTA passivating liquid .

  6. 通过对AMT、BTA、TTA等铜缓蚀剂以及AMT复配物作为钝化液对铜进行表面处理的研究,开发了铜的化学转化膜表面处理新技术,替代铜的铬酸盐处理技术。

    AMT , BTA , TTA and composite reagent of AMT have been applied to the passivation treatment of copper surface . A new technology of chemical transformation membrane treatment of copper surface has been developed , which can substitute for the chromate treatment technology .

  7. 采用重量法分析镀锌钝化液中H2SO4含量并对槽液进行调整时,发现H2SO4含量测得值明显偏高。

    The H_2SO_4 content in the passivating solution of zinc plating determined by weight method is erroneous and much higher than the accurate value . A kind of potentiometry was promoted for determining the H_2SO_4 content in the passivating bath .

  8. 镀镉钝化液中微量镉的原子吸收光谱测定

    Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Determination of Trace Cadmium in Chromating Bath

  9. 文章中列出了切实可行的钝化液配方。

    The practical formulation of passivation solution is also given .

  10. 隔膜电解法净化再生镀锌钝化液的研究

    Purification and Regeneration of Aged Cr-6 Solution by Electrolysis Method

  11. 锅炉钢在除垢-钝化液中的钝化研究

    Passivation of Boiler Steel in Descaling - passivating Liquid

  12. 银镀层电化学钝化液的分析方法

    Analysis Method for Electrochemical Passivation Solution of Silver Coating

  13. 环境温度磷化钝化液的研制

    Development of Phosphorization and Passivation Liquids at Ambient Temperature

  14. 杂质离子对三价铬蓝白钝化液性能的影响

    Effects of Interfering Ions on the Performance of Trivalent Chromium Blue-White Passivation Bath

  15. 岭回归法测定镀锌钝化液的组分浓度

    Determination of component concentration in chromating bath of zinc plating by ridge regression spectrophotometry

  16. 无铬酸钝化液的研制

    The Manufacture of the Chromic Acid Passivated Liquid

  17. 采用伏安法测量镍盘电极在铬酸钝化液中的阴极极化曲线。

    Voltammetric determination of nickel disk cathodic polarization curve in chromating bath is presented .

  18. 镀锌及其合金层的无铬钼酸盐钝化液的研究进展

    Status quo of research of chromium free molybdate passivation solution for zin and its alloys electroplating coating

  19. 结果表明,通过苯骈三氮唑系钝化液的处理可以明显提高铜合金的耐蚀性能。

    The experimental results indicate that the treatment process of copper alloy using benzotriazole can improve the corrosion resistance greatly .

  20. 结果表明:发黑剂对膜层外观影响较大,选择不当可使膜层发花、挂灰;钝化液中添加磷酸(盐)能够显著改善黑色膜层外观。

    The results show that appropriate blackening agent and addition of phosphate both can improve the appearance of the passivation film .

  21. 该钝化液以硅酸盐为主要原料,并含有双氧水和氟离子等物质。

    This passivating liquid takes silicate as main raw materials and contains substances such as hydrogen peroxide , fluorin ion and others .

  22. 并将此产品与传统的同类产品的技术经济指标进行了对比,它与传统的磷化钝化液相比,具有快速、高效、节能、成本低和污染小等特点

    Compared with traditional products , it has the features of fast effect , high efficiency , energy-saving , economical and lower pollution etc

  23. 据钢铁除锈、磷化的基本原理分析,经实验确定了以钼酸盐为主要促进剂的除锈、磷比、钝化液。

    By the rust removal , phosphating and passivating basic principles for steel , this treatment liquids are molybdenate as the main promotor .

  24. 本课题的目的在于探索研究出一种过渡金属无机硫化物作为钝化液的发黑剂,以取代现有钴(镍)盐作为三价铬黑色钝化液的发黑剂。

    The research project to explore a transition mental inorganic sulfide as the blackening agent , which replaced the existing nickel-cobalt salt as the black agents .

  25. 研究结果表明,采用该种钝化液获得的钝化膜油黑发亮,色泽均匀,耐蚀性及耐磨性好,附着力强。

    Results show that passive film obtained with this formular had bright black surface , uniform color , high corrosion resistance and abrasive resistance , and good adhesion force .

  26. 采用正交优化与单因素优化相结合的方法,讨论硅酸盐型钝化液各组分对镀锌层钝化膜的影响。

    Using the method of combining orthogonal optimization and single factor optimization , the impact of all the components of Silicate type passivation liquid upon galvanized layer passivation membrane is discussed .

  27. 本文阐述了无铬酸钝化液的研制过程、钝化机理、无铬酸钝化的优点及可行性,提高了黄铜制品的抗腐蚀能力。

    This paper tries to state the manufacture process of the chromic acid passivated liquid and its passivation mechanization . Their advantages and feasibility can improve the anti corrosion of the brass products .

  28. 根据氯离子在铂电极上的电化学氧化特性,用一种电镀添加剂测定仪可以测定铜和铜合金浸蚀液、氧化液、钝化液中的氯离子浓度。

    Chloride ion concentration in solutions for etching , oxidizing and passivating of copper and its alloys can be rapidly determined on Electroplating Additive Analyser based on the electro-oxidation behavior of Cl ~ - ions at platinum electrode .

  29. 通过进行模拟软熔实验和钝化液浸泡实验发现软熔后的镀锡板镀层表面生成了黑灰,且镀液中锡泥浓度越大产生的黑灰越多。

    With the simulated experiment of reflowing and passivation solution soak , it is found that the smudge occurs on the surface of tinplate coating after reflowing , and the amount of smudge increases with the increasing concentration of sludge in the plating solution .

  30. 并指出了每种钝化液的性能和膜层质量的优劣,以及随着环境保护要求的提高,用低毒性钝化剂取代铬酸盐钝化是镀锌钝化的主要方向。

    Solution property and passivation film quality for each passivation technology were pointed out . With low toxicity passivation technology replacing high toxicity chromate passivation technology being the main development direction for zinc coating passivation along with the environmental protection requirement being increasingly severe in present is proposed .