
  1. 铝铸铁中氧的存在形式及钝化理论探讨

    Study of Displaying Form of Oxygen and Inactivation Theory in Aluminium Cast Iron

  2. 在现代金属钝化理论的基础上,对电镀锡板的钝化工艺加以改进。这种改进了的电镀锡板对于一些腐蚀性很强的果蔬罐头应用获得了抗蚀效果。

    The passivation process for tinplate has been improved according to the modern passivation theory and satisfactory result has been achieved in its application in fruit and vegetables can .

  3. 本文的主要内容是介绍晶体硅太阳电池选择性扩散新工艺和表面钝化的理论研究。

    It is described that the innovatory technology of selective diffusion and study on surface passivation in theory for crystalline silicon solar cell .

  4. 裂尖超钝化:实验、理论与数值模拟

    Crack tip superblunting : experiment , theory and numerical simulation