
  • 网络Starch adhesive;starch gum;SWJ;CMS;Starch Gelatinization
  1. H2O2氧化玉米淀粉胶性能研究

    Study on property of maize starch adhesive oxidized by H 2O 2

  2. PVA改性瓦楞纸板淀粉胶的研制

    Studies of the PVA modified SRARCH-BASED corrugated paperboard adhesive

  3. 采用改性淀粉胶主剂/酚醛树脂复合胶制备的胶合板的胶合湿强度随酚醛树脂的含量的增加逐渐增加,当含量高于60%时,胶合板性能达到国家II类板水平。

    The gluing properties of composite adhesives of main agents of acorn starch-based adhesives and phenolic resin increased with an increase of phenolic resin content . The tensile wet strength exceeded the level of national II plywood .

  4. 生产性试验表明,经PVA改性后的淀粉胶,性能稳定,所生产的瓦楞纸板质量提高。

    The productive test shows that the properties of the starch adhesive modified with PVA are stable , and that the quality of paperboard produced with the modified adhesive is improved .

  5. 用淀粉胶电泳及特异性酶染色方法测定了五个汉族及三个少数民族人群的红细胞腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)分布。

    The polymorphism of adenosine deaminase ( ADA ) was analysed using the starch gel electrophoresis and specific staining in eight Han ethnic groups and minorities in China .

  6. 抗氧化铝箔衬纸复合用淀粉胶的研制

    Preparation of Oxidation Prevent Starch Glue for interleaving Aluminum Foil Paper

  7. 复合淀粉胶的制备及在胶合板上的应用

    Preparation of compound starch adhesive and it 's application in plywood

  8. 大米淀粉胶凝和回生机理的研究

    Study on the Mechanism of Gelatinization and Retrogradation of Rice Starch

  9. 内墙涂料用氧化淀粉胶液的制备工艺研究

    Study on preparation of oxidized starch glue for inner wall coating

  10. 氧化玉米淀粉胶的化学改性及其稳定性研究

    Chemical modification and stability studies of oxidized corn starch glue

  11. 氧化玉米淀粉胶液取代聚乙烯醇生产内墙涂料技术

    Preparation of Inner Wall Coatings from Oxidized Corn Starch Gel

  12. 瓦楞纸板用抗水淀粉胶配方及性能研究

    Study on Formula and Performance of Water-resistance Adhesive Used for Corrugated Board

  13. 变性淀粉胶在烟草薄片上的应用

    Application of Starch - Based Adhesive in Tobacco Sheet

  14. 通过乳液聚合对淀粉胶改性研究。

    Research the starch adhesive modification through emulsion polymerization .

  15. 氧化淀粉胶液中游离甲醛含量的测定

    Determination of Free Formaldehyde Content in Oxided Starch Glue

  16. 淀粉胶黏度与瓦楞纸板质量

    Viscosity of starch glue and quality of corrugated cardboard

  17. 冷制草浆瓦楞纸箱用快干淀粉胶

    Cool-Processing of Rapid-Drying Starch Adhesive for Straw-Board Corrugated Boxes

  18. 介绍一种新型包装粘合剂:高压聚合淀粉胶。

    This paper introduces a kind of new packing adhesive-High-pressure copolymerized starch paste .

  19. 玉米凝胶淀粉胶凝机理及影响凝胶强度因素的研究

    A Study on Gelatinous Mechanism of Gelatinous Cornstarch and the Factors Influencing Gelatinous Strength

  20. 抗氧化铝箔衬纸淀粉胶及粘合性能研究

    Studies on Antioxidative Starch Adhesive and its Adhesive Properties for Aluminium Foil and Paper

  21. 低成本快干型淀粉胶的研究

    Study on low cost and rapid-dried starch adhesive

  22. 铝箔衬纸淀粉胶的粘结机理与初粘度研究

    Study on adhesion mechanism and initial viscosity of starch glue for interleaving aluminium foil

  23. 胶合板用淀粉胶的研究

    Study on Corn Starch Adhesive Using for Plywood

  24. 脲醛树脂改性氧化淀粉胶的研究

    Study in Urea-formaldehyde Plastics Change Oxide Starch Adhesive

  25. 木薯淀粉胶的制备及工艺研究

    Study on Tapioca Adhesive Preparation and Processing Condition

  26. 昆虫血淋巴蛋白质的淀粉胶电泳

    The starch gel electrophoresis of insect hemolymph proteins

  27. 高锰酸钾法研制淀粉胶

    Preparation of Starch Glue with Potassium Permanganate

  28. 制胶工艺及过程与玉米淀粉胶相同。

    The technics and process of making glue is the same as that of cornstarch .

  29. 苯酚-淀粉胶的研制

    Development of Phenol - Starch Adhesive

  30. 一种优质氧化玉米淀粉胶

    A Good-Quality Oxidized Starch Adhesive