
  • 网络Dianshan Lake;lake dianshan
  1. 淀山湖距市区65公里。

    The Dianshan Lake is65 kilometers away from the city proper .

  2. 注:全市土地面积中含太湖、阳澄湖、淀山湖等大型湖泊水域面积,有关县级市土地面积中未包括。

    Note : The land area of the whole municipality includes water area of Taihu Lake , Yangcheng Lake and Dianshan Lake , while those of county level cities do not .

  3. 淀山湖藻类样品中微囊藻毒素含量由高到低依次为MC-RR,MC-LR和MC-YR。

    The concentration of microcystin-RR in nature algal samples was higher than MC-LR and MC-YR.

  4. 淀山湖沉积物中重金属元素分布特征及其季节变化

    Heavy metals Partitioning and Seasonal Variation in Lake Sediments

  5. 上海淀山湖浮游桡足类群落组成与季节变动研究

    Studies on the composition and seasonal variations of planktonic Copepoda in Lake dian-shan , Shanghai

  6. 本文对作为水源地的淀山湖网箱养鱼进行了综合分析。

    The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the cage aquaculture in DianshanLake-a water source lake .

  7. 针对淀山湖水质受到太湖来水水质影响的情况,提出了在今后的工作中进一步加大保护淀山湖水质力度的建议和措施。

    Based on the quality influenced by the water from Taihu Lake , the protection measures for the water quality were presented .

  8. “风吹芦苇倒,湖上渔舟飘,池塘荷叶花笑”描写的就是淀山湖的宜人景象。

    The enchanting Dianshan Lake is vividly described as follows : " ditch reeds swaying amidst the breeze , fishing boats cruising on the lake and lotus flowers blossoming in the pond " .

  9. 宾馆内上海瑞金医院集团所属的瑞金淀山湖医疗保健中心,还能为您提供追求保健人生的健康检查和保健服务。

    The Ruijin Dianshan Lake medical care & health center , which is affiliated to Shanghai Ruijin Hospital group , is located in the hotel and able to provide you with healthy life oriented services like physical examination and health caring .

  10. 结果表明淀山湖沉积物中硒的有机物&硫化物结合态及元素态是主要的存在形态,占33%~57%,且各形态硒的分布与环境因素密切相关。

    It was found that they were mainly in the forms of element , organic and sulfide bounded , which accounted for 33 % - 57 % of total selenium . The distribution of selenium species was related to the environmental factors .