
  • 网络Ecological revetment;ecological embankment
  1. 城市河道综合整治中生态护岸建设初探

    A Preliminary Study of Ecological Embankment Construction for Urban River Restoration

  2. 生态护岸在城市河道生态修复中的应用

    Application of Ecological Embankment in Restoration of Urban Rivers

  3. 内河航道生态护岸的发展及应用分析

    Development and application of ecological protection bank for inland waterway

  4. 应用景观生态学原理构建城市河道生态护岸

    Application of landscape ecology in construction of natural river levee

  5. 黄山市中心城区生态护岸建设实践与探讨

    Ecological riverbank protection in downtown of Huangshan city

  6. 为此,正确的、客观地判断生态护岸的健康程度是十分必要的。

    It is necessary to assess the health of ecological revetment correctly and objectively determined .

  7. 水位多变情况下的亲水生态护岸设计&以中山岐江公园为例

    Design Accessible and Ecological Water Edges for Unstable Water Lev - el-Qijiang Park in Zhongshan City

  8. 本文通过对生态护岸的评价研究,为生态护岸的功能研究提供具有可测性、可比性和可控性的参考。

    The paper is hoped to offer a measurability and comparability reference for ecological revetment function research .

  9. 文章介绍生态护岸及其功能、特点,并对有关问题进行探讨。

    The article introduces the ecological riverbank and its function and characteristics , and discusses some relevant problems .

  10. 多孔隙生态护岸的实验分析与设计研究日本河流生态护岸技术及其对深圳的启示

    Research on the Experimental Investigation and Design of Interstitial Spaces & Inhabit Riverbank Unit ; Ecological Embankment in Japan and its Application in Shenzhen

  11. 经过半年后,根据生态护岸综合评价指标体系再对这11种生态护岸措施进行调查,并予以评价。

    Halfa year later , the eleven ecological protection technologies would be investigated and then commented by the evaluation system of ecological protection to river bank .

  12. 结合对各措施优缺点的分析,提出了适宜永定河的生态护岸措施搭配模式,以期为永定河生态修复工作略尽妙帛之力。

    Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each measure , several ecological protection patterns were introduced in order to provide reference to ecological restoration in Yongding River .

  13. 城市河道生态护岸具有滞洪补枯与调节水位、增强水体自净能力及保护生物植被的功能。

    Ecological revetment of urban river course has functions of detaining flood , absorbing and storing water , regulating water level , increasing self-purification capacity of water and protecting vegetation .

  14. 本研究通过建立一套生态护岸综合评价体系,并对11种生态护岸措施进行综合评价,挑选出了适宜永定河的生态护岸措施。

    Several ecological protection measures which would be suit for Yongding River were selected through establishing an evaluation system of ecological protection to river bank and comprehensive evaluating eleven ecological protection technologies .

  15. 介绍了生态护岸理念与国内河道治理现状,探讨了太原市河道生态护岸的设计方案。

    This paper introduces the conception of ecological embankment and the present situation of domestic regulation of river , and probes into the design scheme of the ecological river embankment of Taiyuan City .

  16. 第二部分为实例研究,介绍泉州现状、景观风貌的基础上,提出设计原则、目标、设计概念,并提出滞洪区亲水景观生态护岸设计的设计策略。

    The second part is the case study . It provides the design principles , objectives , design concept , and design strategies of close water landscape ecological protection in flood storage area base on introduces the current situation and landscape of Quanzhou .

  17. 太原市生态河道护岸初探

    Probe into the Ecological River Embankment in Taiyuan City

  18. 复合(鱼巢)生态混凝土墙式护岸技术的研究与应用

    The application and research for the technology of Composite ( fish nest ) eco-concrete wall revetment

  19. 四川水土资源可持续利用与生态保护不同植物护岸措施水土保持效益研究

    ON THE SUSTAINABLE USE OF WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES AND ECOLOGICAL PROTECTION IN SICHUAN PROVINCE ; Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation for Different Vegetation Revetments

  20. 旨在探讨河流生态治理的方法,为生态护岸的构建与河流、洪泛区的治理提供一定的思路和参考。

    This paper can provide some ideas to specific projects such as construction of natural levee and management of stream corridor and flooded area .

  21. 湖盆水体生态修复系统应与湖滨带、生态护岸建设融为一体,维护水生态系统自我调节、更殖再生和有序结构。

    Ecosystem recovery system of water bodies in the basin should be integrated with the construction of lakeside and ecological bank revetment for sustaining self-regulation of ecosystem , rejuvenation and orderly structure .

  22. 观澜河清湖段生态修复工程于2007年9月28日开工建设,工程内容包括生态护岸工程、河床生态修复工程、河道防洪治理、沿河人工湿地、水质改善工程、人工清理垃圾等。

    The ecological restoration project of the experimental reach started in September 28 , 2007 , including ecological revetment works , riverbed restoration project , flood protection works , artificial wetland along the river , water quality improvement works and manual scavenging .