
  1. 第一章是战时自贡盐业的环境。

    The first chapter is the wartime Zigong salt environment .

  2. 自贡盐业会馆的兴起与社会功能

    The Flourishing and Social Function of Zigong 's Salt Guildhall

  3. 咸与权:历史上自贡盐业的市场分析

    Saltiness and Power : The Market in Zigong Salt Industry

  4. 自贡盐业在抗战经济中的作用和贡献

    The Function and Contribution of Zigong Salt Industry in the Economy of Anti-Japanese War

  5. 它的开凿成功,与自贡盐业的兴盛、川盐济楚及钻井技术的日益完善密切相关。

    The well 's successful drilling was closely interrelated with the flourishing of Zigong 's salt industry and the gradual improvement of drilling technology .

  6. 本文从自贡盐业经济的发展和中国会馆的沿革,论述了自贡盐业会馆的兴起与建筑形制。

    The writer describes the flourishing and comstructive system of Zigong Salt Guildhall according to zigong 's economical development and the changes of Chinese guildhall .

  7. 自贡市盐业历史博物馆

    Zigong Municipal Museum of History of Salt Industry

  8. 自贡市盐业历史博物馆收藏有一大批反映中国传统井盐生产的铁质文物,但其锈蚀相当严重。

    A great quantities of chinese traditional well salt iron relic have been well protected in Zigong Salt History Musuem .

  9. 本文通过实验结果并结合自贡市盐业历史博物馆所处环境的气候特征对这批盐业铁质文物锈蚀的原因进行分析、研究盐业铁质文物锈蚀机理探讨

    This paper is the analysis of corrosive reason of these relics . A Study of the corrosion Mechanism of Iron Relics Of Salt Industry

  10. 本文通过对自贡自身历史沿革及其盐业历史文化演变的把握,考察了自贡会馆建筑这个盐业文化的重要载体。

    The article seeing about the important carrier of salt industry - guildhall in Zi Gong through the research of history evolving of Zi gong 's salt industry and one 's own historical evolution .

  11. 并通过对自贡成为中国盐都发展过程的分析,对自贡盐业的未来发展提出了自己的观点。

    Through analysis on the developing process of Zigong , the authors propose their own viewpoint on the future development of salt industry in Zigong .