
  • 网络self-compacting concrete;SCC
  1. 通过数值计算模拟自密实混凝土柱在高温下的温度场。

    It aims at simulating the temperature distribution in SCC columns .

  2. 这些研究成果将为今后建立自密实混凝土结构设计规程提供依据,具有重要理论意义和工程实用价值。

    These conclusions will provide references for establishing related regulations of SCC structure with academic and practical significance .

  3. 基于BP网络的自密实混凝土配合比设计

    Mix proportion design of self-compacting concrete based on BP network

  4. 自密实混凝土在新型CL结构体系中的施工应用

    Application of dense-in-itself concrete in construction of CL structure complex

  5. 上海环球金融中心C60自密实混凝土的研制与应用

    Development of C60 SCC and its Application to Shanghai World Financial Center

  6. 研究了自密实混凝土(SCC)的配合比设计方法。

    Mix proportion design method of self-compacting concrete ( SCC ) is studied in this paper .

  7. 自密实混凝土用于型钢混凝土组合柱施工期间的QC活动

    Quality Control of Self-compacting Concrete in the Construction of Combination Column with Section Steel and Concrete

  8. 泵送C60自密实混凝土在工程中的应用

    Application of pumped C60 self-compacting concrete in engineering

  9. 自密实混凝土(Self-compactingConcrete,简称为SCC)具有高流动性、高间隙穿过能力以及高抗离析性三方面特点。

    Self-compacting concrete ( SCC ) has three characteristics as high fluidity , high clearance penetrating and high resistance of segregation since it appears .

  10. C60高强度大体积自密实混凝土施工技术高密度重晶石大体积混凝土施工技术

    Construction Technology of C60 High-strength massive self-compaction Concrete Construction Technology for Mass Concrete with Dense Barite

  11. 世博演艺中心C60自密实混凝土的研制

    Development of C60 Self-Compacting Concrete ( SCC ) for Performing Arts Center of Shanghai World Expo

  12. 烟台广电中心大楼钢管柱采用C60高抛自密实混凝土。

    The steel pipe columns of Yantai Broadcasting and Television Center building apply C60 high dropping self-compacting concrete .

  13. NVC自流平外加剂是制备自密实混凝土的优良外加剂。

    NVC admixture is an excellent material to make Self-Compacting Concrete .

  14. 免振自密实混凝土(CSRFLOWCON)技术在工程上的应用

    Application of Self-compacting Concrete ( CSR FLOWCON ) Technolohy in Engineering

  15. 试验证实,一般高性能混凝土(HPC)的配合比设计方法难以适用于自密实混凝土;

    Concrete test proves that the mix proportion design method of common high-performance concrete ( HPC ) is not fit for self-compacting concrete .

  16. 自密实混凝土应用于工程中,应加强原材料质量的控制;施工时,浇筑速度不宜过快,垂直落差不大于5m。

    In construction , the pouring rate must be controlled , and the vertical drop is not more than 5m .

  17. 本文依据全计算法自行设计了一套C60自密实混凝土的配比方案。

    In this paper , according to full calculating method , a mix design on C60 SCC is performed by ourselves .

  18. 为此,本文在自密实混凝土配合比试验的基础上,通过建立神经网络中使用最广泛的BP网络模型,来预测自密实混凝土的流动性能。

    Based on the ratio tests of the self-compacting concrete , this paper establishes the BP neural network modal that is widely applied in all kinds of neural networks to predict the flowing property of the self-compacting concrete .

  19. 采用MTS伺服加载系统施加低周反复水平荷载以研究自密实混凝土框架结构的抗震性能。

    To study the earthquake resistance behavior of self-compacting concrete frame , MTS loading system was used to put the two frames under low-cyclic horizontal loading .

  20. 以自密实混凝土为新混凝土,选取Z形试件作为新老混凝土粘结面抗剪性能试件和整体伴随试件。

    With the self-compacting concrete taken as the new concrete , Z-shape has been selected as the configuration of adhesive specimens of young on old concrete with the monolithic new concrete specimens as their companion specimens .

  21. 通过优化配制试验和采取有效的施工措施,北京世纪财富中心工程钢骨桁架C60自密实混凝土的浇筑取得理想效果。

    By optimizing the preparation test and adopting effective construction measures , the placement of C60 self-dense concrete with steel truss frame in Beijing Century Fortune Center Project achieved satisfactory effect .

  22. 经过自密实混凝土配合比优化设计和现场试块模拟试验后,NVC自流平外加剂成功应用于润扬大长江公路大桥北锚碇。

    After optimizing the mix proportion and simulation of a big specimen in locale , NVC admixture applies well in Run-Yang bridge on the Yangtse River .

  23. 本文通过不同的自密实混凝土(SCC)与相同强度等级传统的普通振捣混凝土(REF)对比,分析自密实混凝土的渗透性能的试验研究。

    This paper presents an experimental study on permeation properties of different self-compacting concrete ( SCC ) mixes in comparison with those of selected traditional vibrated reference ( REF ) concretes of the same strength grade .

  24. 堆石混凝土(RFC)是一种新型大体积混凝土施工方法,其性能很大程度上受到浇筑过程中所使用的自密实混凝土(SCC)的流动性能和充填能力的影响。

    RFC ( rock-filled concrete ) is a new type mass concrete construction technology . The property of the RFC mainly depends on the flow performance and filling capability of SCC ( self-compacting concrete ) used in the pouring process .

  25. 通过SHPB实验,获得了MDF水泥和自密实混凝土C45、C55、C65在应变率10~1s~(-1)~10~3s~(-1)范围的应力应变曲线。

    Dynamic compressive stress-strain curves of the MDF cements and SCC are obtained at different strain rates from 10s ~ ( - 1 ) to 1000 s ~ ( - 1 ) by SHPB tests .

  26. 自密实混凝土微孔结构参数的识别

    System Identification of Parameters Describing Micro Pore Structures in Self-compacting Concrete

  27. 贵州地区机制砂自密实混凝土的性能研究

    Study on Properties of Machine-made Sand Self-compacting Concrete in Guizhou Area

  28. 偏高岭土配制高性能自密实混凝土的研究

    Experimental Study of Preparation of High Performance Self-Compacting Concrete with metakaolin

  29. 自密实混凝土用作隧道防水是一项有效的措施。

    Self-compacting concrete used for tunnel waterproof is an effective measure .

  30. 测试了自密实混凝土早期强度和弹性模量等力学性能随龄期发展的情况;

    Early age strength and early age elastic modulus are tested .