
  • 网络squeezed state;squeezed-state
  1. 进一步的分析结果表明,介观RLC电路系统的波函数将由任意的初态演化到一般的压缩态。

    The wave function of the mesoscopic RLC system will evolve from an arbitrary initial state to a generalized squeezed state .

  2. 对热噪声信道,表明了容量在输入信号为热噪声信号时达到,压缩态无助于达到信道容量CE;

    For the heat noise channel , we have found that the capacity will be attained when input signal is heat noise and squeezed state is no useful for reaching the capacity .

  3. 振幅压缩态的P表示特性

    Properties of P-representation for Amplitude-Squeezed States

  4. 我们对双模压缩态作n个单模光子计数的情形进行了理论尝试。

    We study the situation that the two-mode squeezed state make one mode n-photon count .

  5. 从Q函数的原始定义出发导出压缩态下的Q函数

    Derivation of Q function for a squeezed state from its original definition

  6. 压缩态CO2抗溶沉淀技术制备聚合物超细材料的聚结和融合现象

    The Flocculation and Merging Phenomena in Polymeric Micro-Size Materials Formed by Precipitation with a Compressed Fluid Antisolvent

  7. 研究了介观LC电路在外加电源作用下,系统量子态随时间的演化,分析了实现压缩态的动力学过程。

    The evolution of quantum state with time in the time-dependent mesoscopic LC circuit containing source is studied in this paper .

  8. 压缩态初始光场下变耦合系数的Jaynes-Cummings模型

    Time-Dependent Atom-Field Coupling Jaynes-Cummings Model under an Initial Squeezed State

  9. 压缩态光场的实验研究以及相位敏感光学参量放大器中类EIT现象的实现

    Investigation on Squeezing Light and Observation of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency-like Effect in Phase-sensitive Optical Parametric Amplifier

  10. 压缩态J-C模中的崩坍-复原现象

    Collapse and revival phenomena in the squeezed state Jaynes-Cummings model

  11. 由非简并光学参量放大系统获得压缩态光所满足的Fokker-Planck方程及其解

    The solution of the Fokker-Planck equation of non-degenerate parametric amplification system for generation of squeezed light

  12. 用时间演化算符我们讨论了含时双光子压缩态和SU(1,1)相干态以及SU(2)压缩态的压缩性质。

    The time evolution operators have been used to investigate the time-dependent two photons and SU ( 2 ) squeezing states and squeezing properties of the time-dependent SU ( 1,1 ) coherent states .

  13. 本文重点讨论了明亮双模压缩态作为EPR纠缠源优化连续变量量子隐形传态保真度的一系列问题。

    In this thesis , we focus our research on a series of problems of the fidelity of continuous variables quantum teleportation applying bright two-mode squeezed state for entangled source .

  14. 从Q函数的原始定义出发直接导出了压缩态下的Q函数,此法比从两变量的高斯分布导出压缩态下的Q函数的方法更简单自然,而且有助于理解Q函数的性质。

    Q function for a squeezed state is derived from its original definition , this method is simpler and more natural than from the two variables Gaussian distribution , and is advantageous to understanding the property of the Q function .

  15. 目前,可以应用的最好的非经典光场均是由参量过程(OPO)产生,诸多实验研究表明光学参量过程是产生压缩态的最佳方法之一,并且已经得到了广泛的应用。

    Up to now , it was proved that the best practicable non-classical light was generated by the technique of OPO ( optical parametric oscillator ) .

  16. 讨论了初始光场为压缩态、原子光场耦合系数随时间变化情形下双光子过程JC模型的量子统计性质。

    The quantum statistical properties of two photon Jaynes Cummings model with a time dependent atom field coupling coefficient are discussed under the initial squeezing state of the light field .

  17. 结果表明,在外加电源作用下,时变介观LC电路的量子态将由初始的真空态演化到压缩态。

    The results indicate that under the action of external source , the system will evolve from the vacuum state to the squeezing state for time-dependent LC circuit containing source , but to the coherent state for time-independent LC circuit .

  18. 采用单模量子化光场和有效二能级的多能级原子组成的模型,研究了动态Stark效应对该系统原子和压缩态光场的双光子过程动力学行为的影响。

    The dynamic Stark effect on the dynamical behaviors of atom and squeezed state field in-two-photon processes is studied by a model consisting of an effective two-level atom with multiple levels and quantized field with single mode .

  19. 利用单个Ⅱ类相位匹配OPA产生的双模压缩态实现连续变量压缩纠缠态,完成了连续变量量子离物传态。

    The experimental demonstration of quantum teleportation for continuous variables using the squeezed-state entanglement generated by a type II phase matching optical parametric amplifier ( OPA ) is reported .

  20. 本文在理想近似下,用Wigner相空间处理单纵模激光腔内二能级原子在相干态及压缩态量子光场中的跃迁几率。

    The transition probability of a two-level atom in the quantum optical field of the coherent and squeezed state is discussed , and the single axial mode hops in the Wigner phase space in resonant cavity also dealt with .

  21. 连续变量纠缠可以利用单模压缩态在分束器上耦合实现,也可由一个Ⅱ类匹配非线性晶体组成的非简并光学参量放大器(NOPA)直接产生。

    CV entanglement can be accomplished by coupling squeezed states on a beam splitter , also can be directly generated from an non-degenerate optical parametric amplifier ( NOPA ) .

  22. 在压缩态光场中原子的吸收和发射

    Absorption and Emission of Atom in Squeezed States of Light Field

  23. 产生双模压缩态的哈密顿算符的一般形式

    The General Hamiltonian of Generation of Two - mode Squeezed State

  24. 有损耗存在时光孤子压缩态传输的量子场方程

    Quantum Field Equation of Soliton Squeezed States in Transmission with Losses

  25. 热噪声的相干态和压缩态中的高阶涨落

    Higher order fluctuations in Coherent States and squeezed states with thermal noise

  26. 由前向四波混频产生脉冲压缩态光场

    Generation of pulsed squeezed light field via forward four-wave mixing

  27. 孤子压缩态在光纤中的特性研究

    Properties of soliton squeezed state in fiber for limited view optical tomography

  28. 光孤子脉冲压缩态的实验与理论进展

    Development of Experiments and Theories for Soliton Pulse Squeezing State

  29. 粒子数压缩态光场参与的和频过程

    Sum Frequency Generation With Photon Number Squeezed Light as Input

  30. 压缩态光场与原子的双光子相互作用

    Two - photon interaction of squeezed state with an atom