
  • 网络Pressure Control Valve;PCV
  1. 压力控制阀CAT系统研究

    Research of CAT System for Pressure Control Valve

  2. 本文分析了压力控制阀的各种静态性能指标和动态性能指标,并根据压力控制阀性能测试要求,设计出了测试液压系统回路和CAT测试系统。

    The performance indexes of pressure control valve were analyzed . According to the request for testing of the pressure control valve 's capabilities , a hydraulic system and a CAT system were designed .

  3. 基于PLC的压力控制阀出口压力自动调节设备的控制

    The Controlling System about the Automatic Adjustment of Press Control Values Based on PLC

  4. 数字式大流量压力控制阀设计研究

    The Research on Digital Pressure Control Valve for High Flow

  5. 高压气动压力控制阀中的膜片设计

    Designing of the Membrane in Pneumatic High Pressure Control Valve

  6. 新型压力控制阀静动态特性分析

    Analysis of static and dynamic characteristics of a new pressure control valve

  7. 高压随动压力控制阀动态性能的仿真研究

    Dynamic Simulation Investigation of High Pressure Servo Control Valve

  8. 一种气动压力控制阀的仿真与实验

    Simulation and experiment of a pneumatic pressure control valve

  9. 一种高压大流量气动定差压力控制阀的研究

    Development of A Novel Pneumatic Relief Valve with High Pressure and Large Flow Capacity

  10. 压力控制阀主要用来控制液压系统中液流压力。

    Pressure control valve is mainly used to control the pressure of fluid flow .

  11. 比例压力控制阀的模糊控制方法研究

    Research of proportional pressure control valves

  12. 压力控制阀出口压力自动调节设备的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of the Pressure Automatic Adjustment Equipment for Outlet of the Pressure Control Value

  13. 由于技术、安全和成本等原因,稳压技术目前大多采用气动压力控制阀实现,但往往得不到预期的效果。

    Considering with the technology , safe and cost , the technology of constant voltage is more realized by aerodynamic pressure control valve , but it used not to get the desired effect .

  14. 其次,基于三维实体造型软件Pro/E建立了控制阀的几何模型,采用上面所介绍的流固耦合分析方法,对大型压力控制阀进行了分析。

    Next , establish the geometry model of the Control valves in the 3d solid modeling software Pro / E , and use the above method to ANSYS the large-scale pressure control valves .

  15. 介绍氨气提法尿素装置的造粒喷头、二段蒸发水离器及分解系统压力控制阀的改造情况。

    The retrofit is given of the prilling basket , second stage evaporation separator and control valve for pressure in the hydrolysis system in a urea unit based on the ammonia stripping process .

  16. 平衡阀是液压系统中的重要元件,属于压力控制阀。它是平衡回路中的关键元件,在现代工程机械特别是起重运输机械中应用广泛,其性能的好坏直接影响整个系统的性能。

    Hydraulic counterbalance valve , which belongs to pressure valve , is a key compo-nent of hydraulic balanced loop and is applied abroad in modem engineering equipment especially in elevating machinery . The performance of the appliance is influenced by the property of the counterbalance valve .

  17. 自动压力流量控制阀

    Automatic pressure and flow control valve

  18. 第四章将电液流量一压力复合控制阀应用于塑料注射成型机中。

    In chap 4 , the 2D digital electrohydraulic flow-pressure control servovalve is applied to PIMM .

  19. 大型客机座舱压力控制系统安全阀仿真研究

    Simulation of Safety Valve of Aerobus Cabin Pressure Control System

  20. 微小型高压力流体电磁控制阀

    An electromagnetically actuated miniature valve for high pressure control

  21. 力反馈型电液比例压力流量复合控制阀的研究

    Research for Electro-hydraulic Proportional Pressure and Flow Complex Control Valve with Force Feedback

  22. 工作压差是指水力控制阀前的工作压力减去水力控制阀出口背压的差值。

    Working pressure is the hydraulic pressure control valve before the working hydraulic control valve back pressure minus the difference .

  23. 介绍了一种新型的压力先导控制伺服阀,该阀的功率放大级采用双阀芯结构代替传统单阀芯结构。

    A new servovalve using a pressure control pilot state was introduced , which uses two spools instead of single spool in power magnifying stage .

  24. 关注收入差距现象加大政府调控力度压力调节阀压力控制阀

    Pay Close Attention to Problems of Income Cap Strengthen Government Adjusting Control ; pressure controlled valve

  25. 三种压力平衡的压力控制阀

    Three pressure equalizing pressure control valve

  26. 压力调节阀压力控制阀

    Adjustable spring gauge pressure controlled valve

  27. 排气压力控制型废气再循环阀

    Exhaust pressure modulated EGR valve

  28. 带压力补偿的流量控制阀

    Compensated flow control valve

  29. 系统采用了模拟前馈补偿和综合数字控制方案,选用压力控制电液伺服阀和双出杆的加载作动筒,使多余力得到了有效的控制,并具有较好的跟踪性能。

    A synthetic control scheme , a pressure control servovalve and a hydraulic cylinder with two rods are adopted in this system .

  30. 先导压力阀本实用新型属于液压控制工程三大基础阀之一的压力控制阀类。

    Pilot pressure valve The utility model is based on hydraulic control valve engineering , one of three pressure control valve .