
  1. 尺寸和参数-管道螺纹,法兰,以及压力换算系数。

    Dimensions and References – Pipe Threads , Flanges , and Pressure Conversion Factors .

  2. 海水声速计算中深度&压力换算方法探讨

    A study on depth to pressure converting method in the calculation of sound speed in sea water

  3. 对合格的测试成果,按卡片测量、应变一压力换算、成果报表填写的流程对测试资料进行整理及计算。

    For qualified test results , process and calculation must be conducted in the following sequence : scanning the recording chart , calculating the pressure from the strain and filling-in the test report .

  4. 本文根据中板轧机机架的故障状况,实测了外载荷,编制了载荷谱,用有限元法将压力谱换算为应力谱;

    Based on the findings to the housing failures of a medium-plate mill , its external loads were measured with its load spectrum worked out . Then , the pressure spectrum is converted into the stress spectrum by the finite element method .

  5. 文章从能量守恒基础出发,推导了大口径聚焦换能器声场作用于锥面反射靶的功率与压力的换算关系,并将结果应用于凹锥面反射靶计算。

    Based on the energy conversation law , it is deduced the converting relationship between ultrasound power and the pressure formed by ultrasound beam from large-aperture focused transducer in this paper . The result is applied to the calculation of concave cone reflector .

  6. 辐射压力法是超声功率测量中常采用的方法,用辐射压力法测量声功率中对于不同反射靶面的功率与压力之间的换算关系是非常重要的。

    In the ultrasound power measurement of ultrasound transducer , the radiation pressure method is often used . To calculate the converting relationship between the ultrasound power and the pressure of interceptor is very important .