
  1. 塑化过程螺槽中三维流场的数值模拟

    Simulations of 3-D flow in the screw channel during plastication process

  2. 纯振动场作用下聚合物的熔融塑化过程

    Melting and Plasticating Process of Polymer under Pure Vibration Force Field

  3. 注射成型塑化过程的可视化实验研究

    Experimental Study of Melting Behavior for Injection Molding by a Reciprocating Screw

  4. 动态注射成型机塑化过程中的分散效应

    Dispersion effect in plasticating process with dynamic injection molding machine

  5. 温度和剪切力对U&PVC干混料塑化过程的影响

    The Influence of Temperature and Shear Stress in the Fusion Process of U-PVC Dry Blends

  6. 纯振动场作用下聚合物熔融塑化过程(Ⅰ)理论模型及熔融机理

    Melting process of polymer under pure vibration force field (ⅰ) Theoretical model and melting mechanism

  7. 在介绍热塑性淀粉塑料加工原理的基础上,提出特殊机械能可以作为描述热塑性淀粉塑化过程的控制参数;

    Based on the description of the principle of the processing of thermoplastic starches , it was suggested that specific mechanical energy ( SME ) was proposed as a key parameter for the control of the processing of thermoplastic starches .

  8. 因此,研究塑化过程的机理及其影响因素,完善螺杆塑化性能评价体系,以及优化螺杆结构和工艺参数,成为注塑成型技术的研究方向。

    Therefore , research on the mechanism and influence factors of plasticizing process , improvement of the evaluation system of the screw plasticizing performance , optimization design of screw structure and process parameters , become the research direction of injection molding technology .

  9. 本文作为浙江大学生产工程研究所与宁波海天机械有限公司的合作项目注塑机智能化设计软件开发及其应用中的一部分,主要研究注塑机塑化过程以及螺杆的优化设计。

    The paper , as a part of the collaborative project between the Production Engineering Research Center of Zhejiang University and Haitian Machinery Co. Ltd , mainly research the preplasticizing process of the injection molding machine and the optimization design of injection screw .

  10. 作为注塑成型的重要准备阶段,塑化过程直接影响制品的质量、生产效率和能耗水平,其性能取决于螺杆结构的设计和成型工艺条件的选择是否合理。

    As an important stage of injection molding , plasticizing process directly affects the quality of the products , production efficiency and energy consumption level , and its performance depends on whether the design of screw structure or the choosing of molding process conditions is reasonable .

  11. 振动力场作用下单螺杆塑化熔融过程数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Melting Process in Single-Screw Extruder Under Vibration Force Field

  12. 而排气式注射机能够在塑化的过程中排除存在于物料表面和内部的、对成型制品有不利影响的水分和气体。

    Vented injection molding machine could remove the moisture and gas damaging product quality in exterior and interior of materials during their plasticizing process .

  13. 基于体积排除色谱实验结果,详细分析了聚磷酸铵、硫酸铵、合成分子筛Y改性的聚苯乙烯在塑化混合过程和热降解过程中分子量及其分布的变化规律。

    Thermal and thermo oxidative degradation of polystyrene modified with ammonium polyphosphate , ammonium sulfate and zeolite Y was studied during the compounding process and the thermal treatment , based on molar mass and its distribution .

  14. 物料压延塑化的加工过程比较复杂,无法对其加工方案进行有效地评析。

    The process of the materials ' rolling and plasticizing is very complex so that we can not analyze the processing scheme effectively .

  15. 华南理工大学瞿金平教授最新研制的叶片挤出机,其塑化输运过程主要由拉伸流场支配,可以很好地解决上述问题。

    The Polymer Vane Extruder , which is newly designed by Prof. Qu Jinping in SCUT , is a novel equipment for polymer processing . Its plasticizing and conveying mechanism is dominated by elongational flow . It can solve the problems existed in the traditional screw extruder .

  16. 使用电磁动态吹膜机组加工m-PE-LLD薄膜,将振动力场引入到塑化挤出的全过程,考察了振动力场对m-PE-LLD薄膜拉伸强度的影响。

    The extrusion of m-PE-LLD blown films was carried out in the presence of vibration field on an electromagnetic dynamic extruder .

  17. 理论分析了聚合物超声波熔融塑化的本质机理,得出塑化过程中主要存在三个产热效应,即摩擦生热效应、粘弹性热效应和超声空化效应。

    There are three kinds of heat effects including friction heat effect , viscoelastic heat effect and ultrasonic cavitation effect .