
  • 网络Compression pressure;kPa;pcomp
  1. 发动机缸内压缩压力非接触式检测方法研究

    Study on Non-Touch Measuring Method for the Compression Pressure in Engine Cylinder

  2. 基于起动电流测量发动机相对压缩压力的装置研究

    The Starter Current-Based Device for Measuring the Relative Compression Pressure of Engine

  3. 得到了最佳的单板压密工艺参数是:热压温度为160℃,压缩压力为6MPa,保压定型时间为:10min,汽蒸时间为20min。

    The best technique parameter was got : 160 ℃ compressing temperature , 6 MPa pressure , 10 min compressing time , 20 min steaming time .

  4. 基于反拖扭矩检测汽缸压缩压力研究

    Study on testing cylinder compression pressure based on reverse-drive torque

  5. 用瞬时转速法估算压缩压力的探讨

    Using transient rotational speed to deduce cylinder compression pressure

  6. 一种检测发动机相对压缩压力的简易方法

    A Simple Method to Detect Engine Comparative Compression Pressure

  7. 多缸柴油机最大气缸压缩压力测试方法研究

    Research on Measuring Method of Maximum Cylinder Compression Pressure for Multi-cylinder Diesel Engine

  8. 发动机气缸压缩压力下降对装备主要动力性能影响的试验研究

    Experiment Study on Influence of Engine Cylinder Pressure Decrease on Equipment Main Maneuver Performances

  9. 试验结果表明,利用这种方法进行缸内压缩压力测量是可行的。

    Tests indicate that this way is feasible to measure the cylinder 's compression pressure .

  10. 该显示器显示出改进的对比度和抗剪切及抗压缩压力的特性。

    The display shows an improved contrast ratio and resistance against shear and compression pressures .

  11. 发动机汽缸压缩压力是检测发动机机密封性的重要参数。

    Cylinder compression pressure is an important parameter for measuring the hermetical state of an engine .

  12. 汽缸压缩压力测试。

    Cylinder Compression Pressure Test .

  13. 任何内燃发动机的效率,因诸多原因,依最终的压缩压力而定。

    The efficiency of any internal-combustion engine depends on the final compression pressure for a number of reasons .

  14. 压缩压力测试只能提供被测气缸是否正常工作的指示性信息。

    The compression test can only provide an indication as to whether the tested cylinder is working or not working properly .

  15. 用瞬时转速可判断柴油机气缸压缩压力、工作不均匀性、燃烧差异等工作状态。

    The cylinder 's compress pressure , cylinder uniformity , combustion pressure distinction can all be detected by the transient speed .

  16. 测量并分析了喷射器内的压力分布、引射比变化对引射压力和压缩压力的影响,喷嘴出口至混合室入口距离与引射比、引射压力、压缩压力之间的关系。

    Some experimental results , such as the pressure distribution in ejector , the effects of entrainment ratio to suction pressure and discharge pressure , are presented .

  17. 发动机密封性降低,会造成发动机经济性、动力性下降及废气排放指标恶化,因此对各缸压缩压力的检测具有重要意义。

    The lowering hermetical state of an engine will not only cause economy and power coastdown , but also worsen the emission evaluating indicators of exhaust gas .

  18. 由此得到柴油机稳态工作过程的工作特性参数,如压缩压力、最高爆发压力和平均有效压力等参数。

    Then , the normal working parameters of this engine can be simulated , such as the compression pressure , maximum combustion gas pressure , and effective pressure and so on .

  19. 在四因素中,定型时间影响最大,汽蒸时间和压缩压力其次,热压温度影响相对较小。

    In four factors , the effect of compressing time was the most significant , and then was the steaming time and pressure ; the effect of compressing temperature was the least .

  20. 在一台四缸直喷式柴油机上的试验结果表明:用该方法由飞轮的瞬时转速检测气缸的最高压缩压力,其标准误差不超过0.03MPa。

    The experimental results from a four cylinder diesel engine show that the standard derivation obtained by using transient rotational speed to deduce cylinder compression pressure is no more than 0 03 MPa .

  21. 本文阐述了现场故障诊断中气缸压缩压力的测定方法,并提出汽油发动机和柴油发动机最低极限压缩压力和各缸压力差的数据。

    This paper introduces the method of determining the cylinder compression pressure in the course of diagnosing engine troubles at worksite , and presents the data of permissible minimum compression pressure and pressure difference among cylinders of diesel and gasoline engines .

  22. 基于热力学原理并引入气体动力学函数,建立了蒸汽喷射压缩器的计算模型,提出了喷射压缩器喷射系数及压缩压力等特性参数的计算方法。

    On the basis of thermodynamic principle and the introduction of gas flow dynamic function , a computational model of steam ejector is set up and the computational methods of performance parameters such as entrainment ratio and compressed vapor pressure of steam ejector are presented .

  23. 通过实车测量获得缸压及转速的特征参数,利用灰色理论模型的方法建立了发动机转速脉动与汽缸压缩压力的数学关系。

    The characteristic parameters of cylinder pressure and rotate speed are gained through a large number of tests on tank engines , and a mathematic model about the relation between eng'ine 's speed waves and cylinder compression pressures are built in the way of grey theory model .

  24. 最后,提出了新的气源压力、流量系统控制方案,建立了对气源压缩空气压力、流量系统的基于神经网络整定的PID解耦控制算法。

    Finally , we present a new control scheme of air pressure and flow and build PID decoupling control arithmetic based DRNN of air control system .

  25. 可压缩流动压力修正方程分析

    Analysis of Pressure Correction Equations of Compressible Flow

  26. 对跨音速流动的处理和可压缩流体压力校正方程的建立提出了改进方法,并以无起爆药雷管作为算例。

    Special treatment for transonic flow and derivation of the pressure-correction equation for compressible fluid are presented .

  27. 玉米秸秆含水率与常温压缩成型压力之间关系的研究

    Study on the Relation between Percentage of Moisture of Chopped Corn Stalks and the Force of Room Temperature Compression

  28. 这种类型的方法不能解释或峰之间的拉伸应变水平不恢复到零轴之间的多个压缩的压力。

    This type of approach cannot account for compressive strains between tensile peaks or strain levels that do not recover to zero between multiple axles .

  29. 制冷压缩机将蒸发器内的低压(低温)制冷剂吸入压缩机汽缸内,制冷剂蒸汽经过压缩,压力、温度同时升高;

    Refrigeration compressor evaporator inner low pressure ( low temperature ) refrigerant sucked into a compressor cylinder , refrigerant vapor compressed , pressure , temperature increase ;

  30. 转子继续旋转,被隔离气体逐渐被压缩,压力增高,当压力超过排气口的压力时,则气体被排出泵外。

    The rotor continues to rotate , be quarantined the gas slowly be compressed , pressure , when pressure is more than vent pressure , the gas is expelled the pump .