
  • 网络deodorant;XZ-X
  1. 其中最成功的比赛是为ArridXX除味剂策划的“靠近我一点儿”的促销宣传活动。

    13 One of its most successful games is the " Get a Little Closer " promotion for Arrid XX deodorant .

  2. 公司要求员工保指甲干净、长度适中,当然,还必须定期洗澡和使用除味剂。

    The company asks employees to make sure fingernails are clean and of moderate length , and to bathe and use deodorant , of course .

  3. 随后,他在尸体上放置床单、塑料膜等75层覆盖物及除味剂。

    Then he placed 75 layers of coverings on Xie , such as bed sheets , plastic film , and deodorant bags .

  4. 这种离子液体还能够捕捉并分解造成难闻汗味的化学物质,使得这种液体对除味剂制造业更具吸引力。

    The ionic liquid can also trap and break down the chemicals behind the nasty smell of sweat – making it even more attractive to deodorant manufactures .

  5. 高浓度臭氧水是强氧化剂、杀菌消毒剂、漂白除味剂,在水处理和空气净化等环境保护领域具有重要的意义。

    High concentration ozone water is a kind of strong oxidant , disinfectant , deodorant and bleaching agent . It is widely used in water treatment , air treatment and other aspects of environmental protection .