
  • 网络rust remover;De-rust Agent
  1. 手术器械医用除锈剂、润滑剂重复使用过程中的细菌培养调查分析

    A survey and analysis of bacilliculture of repeated applying medical rust remover for operative instrument and lubricant redundant use

  2. 除锈剂A浓度在1.0%至2.5%之间,除锈时间随浓度的增加而减少,以2.5%浓度处理的效果最好;

    When the concentration of rust remover A was between 1.0 % and 2.5 % , the time to remove the rust reduced as the concentration increased , the optimal concentration was 2.5 % .

  3. 0.5%助溶剂B能显著提高1.0%除锈剂A的除锈效果;0.5%海藻酸钠涂膜的保鲜效果较好;

    The rust removing effect of 1.0 % RRA could be improved obviously by adding 0.5 % aid solvent B.The best fresh keeping method after removing rust was to coat membrane with 0.5 % sodium alginate .

  4. Na2B4O7添加剂作为除锈剂,促使过渡金属层与钢管实现了完好的冶金结合。

    As rust removing agent , Na 2B 4O 7 additive facilitated good metallurgical combination between intermediate and steel pipe .

  5. 太原第二热电厂扩建2×200MW空冷供热机组基建施工期间,使用HP-2A新型除锈剂,在电厂空冷循环水大型管内壁除锈、防腐,得到良好效果。

    During extending the air-cooling assembly unit of 2 × 200 MW in Taiyuan Sec-ond Electric Power Plant , a good result was acquired in applying the new type of HP-2A rust-removal agent to rust removal and anticorrosion of the inwall in the large-size piping with air-cooling circulation water .

  6. 钢铁常温中性除锈剂的研究

    Study of neutral room temperature derusting agent for steel

  7. 一种不锈钢用固体除锈剂

    A solid cleaning agent for stainless steel oxide layers

  8. 这些除锈剂必须等几分钟才能生效。

    You have to wait a couple minutes so the stain remover can take effect .

  9. 蒸发冷却电磁除铁器一种铁质管道的高效缓蚀除锈剂

    A New Rust Remover for Iron Pipeline

  10. 讨论了除锈剂各组分的作用以及对除锈剂性能的影响,给出新型多功能除锈剂的制备方法。

    This text has discussed the function of every component part of pharmaceutical of rust removal and impacting on pharmaceutical performance of rust removal , have given out its preparation method .

  11. 介绍了以盐酸、有机酸、缓蚀剂和水为原料自制的散热器与燃油箱除锈剂的配制方法和使用效果。

    This paper describes the preparation and service effects of a self-made rust preventer containing chlorhydric acid , organic acid , corrosion remover and water used for radiators and fuel tanks .

  12. 主要经“藤川”牌防锈油,清洗剂,切削液,乳化油,抗磨液压油,防锈水,除锈剂,磺酸钡,羊毛脂镁皂等系列产品。

    Mainly engaged in anti-rust oil , cleaning agents , cutting fluids , emulsified oil , antiwear hydraulic oil , anti-rust water , rust agent , sulfonic acid barium , lanolin magnesium soap and other products .

  13. 钢铁件涂装前处理除锈防锈剂的研制锈蚀输电杆塔涂装前处理磷化液配方


  14. 该除锈防锈剂在金属表面形成磷酸盐保护膜,既可作为普通金属除锈防锈剂使用,也可作为金属涂装前处理剂使用。

    The remover / inhibitor can form phosphating film on the surface of metal so that it can be used as either ordinary anti-rust or pretreatment agent of painting .

  15. 对染铁北大仓酒采用高效脱色澄清剂进行脱色除锈处理,澄清剂用量0。

    Super decoloring clarificant ( SDC ) was applicated in the treatment of colored Beidachang liquor to remove its rust and color with a dosage of0 .

  16. 根据酸除锈的原理,酸量和温度对除锈的质量影响,试制出磷酸三乙酯化学除锈剂。

    Based the principle of rust-removal with acid as well as the quantity of acid and temperature effects on rust - removal , triethyl phosphate , a new - type rust inhibitor , is prepared .