
chú jūn lǜ qì
  • Sterilization filter;bacterial filter
除菌滤器[chú jūn lǜ qì]
  1. 为什么要对除菌滤器进行完整性测试?

    Why we do integrity test for sterile filter ?

  2. 注射用水储罐的通气口应安装不脱落纤维的疏水性除菌滤器。

    Vents of tanks of water for injection shall be protected by a non-fiber-releasing hydrophobic microbial air filter .

  3. 血小板冰冻保护剂二甲基亚砜除菌滤器和分装容器的选择

    Selection of the filter used for sterilization of dimethylsulfoxide ( DMSO ) as platelet cryoprotectant and the utensil for storage