
  • 网络Deodorization device;CNE
  1. 关于除臭装置开发方向的探讨

    Discussion on development direction of deodorization device

  2. 严肃的节目提醒观众,复杂的人生问题不会象按动一下新的除臭装置那样,便可轻易解决的。

    Serious programs remind the audience that complex human problems are not solved by switching to a new deodorant .

  3. 它主要包括压块装置、推出装置、闸门控制装置、喷雾除臭装置、排污装置、液压系统及电气控制系统等部分。

    It mainly consists of compression device , detrusion device , the gate control device , spraying deodorizing device , the wastedisposal plant , hydraulic system and electric control system and so on .

  4. 阐述了市政污水中臭气的成分及来源,除臭工艺的原理,介绍了光电离子除臭装置的组成部分。

    The constituent , work mechanism and chemical reaction process of a photoelectric ion deodorization device were presented .