
chú xī yè
  • New Year Eve;Chinese New Year's Eve;Hogmanay;the night of New Year's Eve
  1. 他们按习俗过除夕夜。

    They observed the New Year Eve in conformity with custom .

  2. 在除夕夜的时候,爸爸总是会说笑话,使家里笑声满堂。

    On Chinese New year 's eve , my father always tells jokes that bring down the house .

  3. 在除夕夜的宴会上,每一个人都醉了。

    Everyone got stewed at the New Year 's Eve party .

  4. 在东京,除夕夜,人们吃面条,说是能使人长寿。

    In Tokyo people eat noodles on New Year 's Eve .

  5. 但几乎人人都会参加除夕夜的庆祝活动。

    But almost everyone makes an occasion of new year 's eve .

  6. 全市人都在除夕夜观赏了烟花表演。

    The whole city watched the fireworks on new year 's eve .

  7. 除夕夜也是整个春节的高潮。

    And it 's also the climax of the whole Spring Festival .

  8. 除夕夜你们做些什么?

    Then what do you usually do on the eve ?

  9. 不,因为这是除夕夜。

    No , because it 's new year 's eve .

  10. 京晶:好,那么,人们会在除夕夜做些什么?

    Ok , so what do people do on Spring Festival eve ?

  11. 各家把除夕夜接来的财神祭祀一番。

    Families of the New Year 's eve connect to sacrifice a wealth .

  12. 在除夕夜的宴会后,他宿醉,十分难受。

    He had a terrible hangover after the New Year 's Eve party .

  13. 除夕夜他们小小的房子里被客人挤得满满的。

    On new year 's Eve their little house was chock-a-block with guests .

  14. 马克:我也要飞。就在除夕夜。

    Mark : I 'll be flying too , on Spring Festival eve .

  15. 除夕夜那晚我和我的表兄妹们玩得很开心。

    I had a blast on New Year 's Eve with my cousins .

  16. 希望你们新年的除夕夜没有别的计划。

    I hope you didn 't make plans on New Year 's Eve .

  17. 朋友们经常在除夕夜聚集在一起,

    Friends often gather together at a party on New Year 's Eve ,

  18. 可以如果你不介意在除夕夜干活

    Sure , if you really want to work on New Year 's Eve .

  19. 除夕夜燃放烟花爆竹对城市环境的影响

    The impact of the firing the fireworks in the Spring Festival Eve to urban environment

  20. 新年除夕夜是什么时候?

    When is New Year 's Eve ?

  21. 守岁意味着除夕夜不睡觉。

    Shousui means to stay up late or all night on New Year 's Eve .

  22. 1977年圣诞节除夕夜,卓别林家里子孙满堂。

    Christmas Eve , 1977 came and the house was brimming with children and grandchildren .

  23. 中国人相信年兽会在除夕夜吃人。

    The Chinese believe that the Nien best eats people on New Year 's Eve .

  24. 除夕夜,枕着迎接新年的鞭炮声睡着。

    On New Year 's eve , pillow to welcome the New Year 's firecrackers asleep .

  25. 明天就是除夕夜了,一年的最后一天,辞旧迎新。

    Tomorrow is New Year 's Eve , the year the last day of New Year .

  26. 在重要的节日里放烟火是中国人的习俗,除夕夜尤其如此。

    Fireworks are always set off in festivals in China , especially on New Year 's Eve .

  27. 在圣诞节除夕夜或圣诞节的早晨,人们聚集在这棵圣诞树下,打开他们的礼物。

    On Christmas Eve or Christmas morning , people gather around the tree to open their presents .

  28. 尽管负面声音不断,但是大多数中国人在除夕夜还是会收看央视春晚。

    Despite the negativity , most Chinese people always watch CCTV on Lunar New Year 's Eve .

  29. 对,先生,这是除夕夜,你终于自由了。

    Yes , sir . it 's new year 's eve , and you are free at last .

  30. 很多人将这台晚会视为传统中国春节除夕夜的每年的主要组成部分。

    Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival eve .