
  • 网络self-actuated regulator;self-operated regulator;Self-regulating valve
  1. 高炉用温差自力式调节阀的特性

    Properties of Temperature Difference Self-power Adjusting Valve Used in Blast Furnace

  2. 高效、节能的产品&自力式调节阀

    Efficient and Energy Saving Prcduct & Self force Adjusting Valve

  3. GB/T7244-1987重型弹簧垫圈弹簧型自力式调节阀

    " Single coil spring lock washers , Heavy type " spring-loaded regulator

  4. 自力式调节阀适用条件分析

    An Analysis for Applicable Conditions of Self-Acting Regulating Valves

  5. GB/T5837-1993液力偶合器型式和基本参数组合指挥器操作型自力式调节阀

    Fluid coupling & Types and basic specifications externally-piloted regulator

  6. 自力式调节阀虽然调节精度不高,但能自成一个调节系统。

    Although regulator has low precision , it is a complete self adjusting system .

  7. 自力式调节阀及其应用

    Application of Self Operated Control Valve

  8. 为解决这一问题,我们采用了温差自力式调节阀对冷却水量进行自动调节,并取得良好效果。

    In order to solve the problem , temperature difference self-operated regulating valve was used to automatic regulate cooling water volume .

  9. 文中针对温差自力式调节阀的原理及结构,特点及作用进行了阐述,并对温差自力式调节阀的水流量与水温差的关系进行了实验测定。

    Principle , structure , properties and function of temperature difference self-power adjusting valve are explained . The flux in different temperature is measured .

  10. 介绍了自力式调节阀的结构、特点、工作原理、在油田的具体应用以及在选型使用中应注意的问题。

    This article describes the framework , features and working principle of self-operated control valve , and proposes several key applying problems in oilfield practice .

  11. 自力式温度调节阀的原理及国产阀的应用

    Mechanism of Temperature Regulator and Application of Home Produced Regulator

  12. 气体膨胀型自力式温度调节阀传感器设计

    Design of Senor Applicable to the Gas-Expanded Direct-Acting Type of Temperature Regulators

  13. 自力式温度调节阀温度传感器结构分析

    An analysis of sensor construction applicable to a direct-acting type of temperature regulator

  14. 自力式压力调节阀的改进

    Reformation of Self-operated Pressure Regulator

  15. 供热系统中的水力失调与自力式流量调节阀的应用

    The self-supported flow regulating valve can be approach to eliminate the water power maladjustment in city heat supply system meanwhile realize energy saving

  16. 介绍了自力式温度调节阀基本原理和特点,分析了关键元件温度传感器的结构,并对不同结构温度传感器的动力特性进行了对比。

    The paper presents the basic principle and the features of a direct-acting temperature regulator , and analyses its sensor construction as a key element . The paper also makes a comparision of dynamic behavior between the different sensors in construction .

  17. 本文在论述了自动恒温阀原理和广泛的市场前景,并从热力学原理上将自动恒温阀与其它自力式温度调节阀进行了深层次对比的基础上,总结出自动恒温阀优越的特性。

    The thesis , firstly , discusses mainly principle and the extensive market prospects of the thermostatic valve , makes the thermostatic valve comparison with other temperature regulators on thermodynamics principle , summaries superior characteristic of the thermostatic valve as well .

  18. 介绍了波纹管平衡型自力式压差调节阀的结构与工作原理。

    Structure and operation principle of the bellows-balance self-operated pressure regulator are described in the paper .

  19. 自力式压力单座调节阀是不需要任何外加能源,利用被调介质自身能量实现自动调节的执行器产品。

    Self-pressure single-seat regulating valve does not require any external energy , for the valve can transfer the medium energy to realize auto regulate .