
  • 网络Piezoelectric gyro;piezoelectric gyroscope
  1. 针对城市车辆全球定位系统(GPS)定位存在的不连续性问题,提出了采用压电陀螺和里程仪组成的低成本航迹推算系统与GPS组合方案。

    According to the problem of position discontinuity using GPS in city cars , a scheme that GPS is combined with DR which is composed by piezoelectric gyro and milemeter is put forward .

  2. 与自适应卡尔曼滤波、IIR低通滤波方法在实际工程中应用的比较和大量的跑车实验表明,该方法能够有效去除压电陀螺动态误差噪声干扰,提高压电陀螺使用精度。

    The method of Kalman filter and IIR low-pass filter are compared with this method . The practical data shows that the method is most effective to reduce the dynamic errors of piezoelectric gyro and improves its precision .

  3. 基于DSC的压电陀螺漂移特性测试及其滤波器设计

    Piezoelectric Gyroscope Drift Test and Its Filters Design Based on DSC

  4. 本文以一个低成本压电陀螺捷联惯导系统及其与GPS的组合为对象,做了以下几方面的研究工作。

    This paper regards a low cost piezoelectricity gyro SINS and integration of it and GPS as the target , make the research work of the following aspects .

  5. 针对中低精度的压电陀螺静态零位输出随温度漂移严重的问题,分析了产生的原因,做了相应的实验,提出了用BP神经网络进行补偿的方法。

    In the view of serial temperature excursion of piezoelectricity gyro , we analysis the reason for temperature excursion , do the experiment , and propose the way of BP neural network to compensate the temperature excursion .

  6. 压电陀螺敏感元件振梁振动节点测试方法研究

    Development of Beam Vibrating Nodal Measurement for Piezoelectric Gyro Sense Elements

  7. 一种基于压电陀螺的捷联惯性测量与制导系统

    A Strapdown Inertial Measurement and Control System Based on Piezoelectric Gyroscope

  8. 一种有效的抑制压电陀螺动态误差的方法

    An Effective Method for Reducing the Dynamic Error of Piezoelectric Gyro

  9. 利用压电陀螺的自行压制武器复位系统研究

    Research on Reset System of Self - pressed Weapon Using Piezoelectric Gyro

  10. 本文主要介绍压电陀螺的应用。

    This paper mainly presents application of the piezoelectric gyro .

  11. 压电陀螺及其在周视平台稳定系统中的应用

    The Application of the Piezoelectric Gyro for the Surrounding-sight Platform Stabilization System

  12. YT-1型压电陀螺钻孔测斜仪的研制和发展前景

    Development And Prospects of YT-1 Type Borehole Piezoelectric Gyro Inclinometer

  13. 数理统计在压电陀螺可靠性研究中的应用

    The Application of TQC Mathematical Statistics in researching of Reliabilities for Piezo-gyroscopes

  14. 压电陀螺用于火箭弹起始扰动测量的研究

    The study of using gyroscope to test rocket initial disturbance

  15. 基于神经网络的压电陀螺的零位漂移补偿

    Zero point drifts compensation for piezoelectric gyro based on BP neural network

  16. 采用神经网络补偿压电陀螺的零位温漂

    Bias temperature compensation for piezoelectricity gyro using neural network

  17. 压电陀螺的一种校零方法及应用

    A Zero Calibration Method and Application of Piezoelectric Gyro

  18. 压电陀螺是一种振动陀螺。

    The piezoelectric gyro is a vibration element gyro .

  19. 基于压电陀螺的快速方位测井短接

    Fast Azimuth Well Logging Jointer Based on Piezoelectric Gyroscope

  20. 一种简化的压电陀螺电路

    A Simplified Circuit Used for the Piezoelectric Gyroscope

  21. 压电陀螺在我国的发展数理统计在压电陀螺可靠性研究中的应用

    The Development of Piezoelectric Gyroscopes in China

  22. 压电陀螺漂移的动态补偿

    A Dynamic Compensation for Piezoelectric Gyro Drift

  23. 本文介绍了一种由压电陀螺和石英挠性加速度计组成的捷联惯性测量与制导系统。

    This paper presents a kind of inertial measurement system made of piezoelectric sensor and accelerometer .

  24. 对压电陀螺温度漂移数据采集设计了多通道数据采集与分析系统。

    A multi-channel data sampling and analysis system is designed to sample the data of gyro temperature drift .

  25. 提出了一种基于小波滤波的补偿压电陀螺动态误差的方法。

    This paper presents a method of the dynamic error compensation of piezoelectric gyro based on wavelet filter .

  26. 压电陀螺零位随温度变化的非线性关系通过模拟电路和数字化补偿相结合方法实现校准。

    The non-linear relation between gyro bias and temperature change is calibrated with analog circuit combining with digital compensation .

  27. 提出一种低成本捷联惯性制导系统方案。该系统主要由压电陀螺和低成本加速度计构成。

    The paper introduces a very low cost strapdown inertial guidance system consisting of piezoelectric gyros and low cost accelerometers .

  28. 本文介绍了压电陀螺在几种自由飞试验中的使用概况及测量结果。

    In this paper , the piezoelectric gyro is used on the free flight tests and the results are shown .

  29. 介绍一种用于在复合振动状态下能准确测量振动角速率的压电陀螺传感器。

    This is a piezoelectric gyroscopic sensor which is applied to measure the angular rate vibration accurately in the compound vibration conditions .

  30. 火箭弹起始扰动测试系统光学设计与计算压电陀螺用于火箭弹起始扰动测量的研究

    Optical Design and Calculation on the System of Measuring on the Rocket Initial Perturbation THE STUDY OF USING GYROSCOPE TO TEST ROCKET INITIAL DISTURBANCE