
  • 网络piezoelectric sensor;piezoelectric transducer
  1. 研究了关于具有压电式传感器(Sensor)和调节器(Actuator)的板振动的能动控制,并用有限元素的方法预测了面板的动态响应。

    This paper considers an active control on the vibration of a plate with piezoelectric sensor and actuator . The finite element method ( FEM ) and modal analysis are presented .

  2. 压电式传感器测振系统的数字化改进

    Digitized Improvment of Vibration Testing System with Piezoelectric Sensor

  3. 压力测试系统主要有压电式传感器等组成。

    The pressure measurement system is mainly composed of piezoelectrical transducer .

  4. 高频压力振荡引起压电式传感器受损现象的分析

    Analyses of piezo-electric type transducer failure by hige frequency pressure oscillation

  5. 提高压电式传感器应用特性的方法研究

    Study on the Method for Improving Application Characteristics of Piezoelectric Transducer

  6. 压电式传感器与测力仪研发回顾与展望

    Review and prospect on research for piezoelectric sensors and dynamometers

  7. 通过压电式传感器进行简支梁声辐射有源控制

    Active control of sound radiation from simply supported beam using piezoelectric sensors

  8. 通过压电式传感器测量振动结构的体积位移

    Volume Displacement Measure Using Piezoelectric Sensors for a Vibrating Structure

  9. 压电式传感器工作的力学过程及测量误差分析

    Analysis of mechanical process and mea-surement errors of piezoelectric transducers

  10. 浅谈影响压电式传感器高频响应的因素

    Simple Analysis of Piezoelectricity Sensors ' High-frequency Response Influence Factors

  11. 推导出压电式传感器的传递函数。

    The transfer function of piezoelectric transducers has been deduced in the paper .

  12. 通过压电式传感器阵列测量简支梁的声辐射模态

    Measurements of Radiation Modes Using a Piezoelectric Array for a Simply Supported Beam

  13. 介绍一种新型压电式传感器的原理、特性。

    A new kind of piezoelectric sensor and its mechanism and characteristics are introduced .

  14. 压电式传感器的特性分析

    Analysis on the Features of Piezoelectric Transducer

  15. 利用机械阻抗方法分析这类传感器工作的力学过程,给出压电式传感器的测量误差表达式。

    The mechanical process is analyzed by using method of mechanical impedance and the measurement error equations are given .

  16. 压电式传感器及其在火电厂中的应用压电式传感器与测力仪研发回顾与展望

    Piezoelectric Sensors and Their Application in Thermal Power Plants Review and prospect on research for piezoelectric sensors and dynamometers

  17. 特制压电式传感器在纬纱检测中的应用压电式传感器测振系统的数字化改进

    Application of special piezoelectric sensor in measuring the tension of latitude-yarn Digitized Improvment of Vibration Testing System with Piezoelectric Sensor

  18. 以简支板为例,利用压电式传感器测量声辐射模态。

    Based on the radiation modes , it is presented a piezoelectric sensor strategy with an example of simply supported rectangular panel .

  19. 以工程常见四端位移为零的振动板为例,提出一种新的压电式传感器的设计方法测量第一阶声辐射模态伴随系数。

    With the examples of the pinned-pinned plate , a new piezoelectric sensor design is presented to measure the first adjoint coefficient of radiation mode .

  20. 在野外爆炸焊接现场,用压电式传感器测试了粘土和砂土两种地基的应力波波形。

    A series of stress waves was successfully detected on explosive welding site , using piezoelectric crystal sensors pre positioned at different depth of soil anvil .

  21. 该系统的硬件部分以通用计算机为核心,包括脉冲锤、电荷放大器、压电式传感器、采集卡等;

    The hardware of the system is built upon the general computer , including pulse hammer , electric charge amplifier , piezoelectricity sensor , A / D convertor etc ;

  22. 较系统、扼要地回顾了作者20余年来在压电式传感器与测力仪、压电式执行器等方面的理论研究与产品开发情况。

    Theoretical studies and products development of piezoelectric sensors , dynamometers and piezoelectric actuators in the first author ′ s research group over 20 years have been introduced briefly and systematically in this paper .

  23. 介绍了以美国本特利公司生产的压电式传感器为核心元件所组成的振动信号检测和处理电路,对于放大、滤波等部分给出了硬件原理电路设计

    Vibrating signal testing & processing circuit formed by kernel elements of piezo electric transducer manufactured by American Bently company are introduced . Design of hardware principle circuit is given for amplifying and filtering parts

  24. 声发射是一种新兴的动态无损检测技术,目前大多采用将压电式传感器耦合在被测物体表面测量声发射信号产生的表面波。

    Acoustic Emission is a emerging dynamic non-destructive test technology . In present the normal method is to attach the PZT acoustic sensor on the vessel surface to examine the surface wavelet generated by the acoustic signal source .

  25. 压电式传感器和执行器具有结构简单、响应速度快、高频适用性强、驱动和处理电路简单等特点,在精密位移和定位、声学及力学量的检测等方面已经得到了广泛的应用。

    Piezoelectric sensors and actuators with many advantages including simple structure , fast response , high frequency , and simple driving and measuring circuit , have been extensively applied to ultrasonic devices , precision positioning , detecting of acoustics and mechanic parameters , etc.

  26. 压电式免疫传感器检测小鼠IgG气溶胶

    Piezoelectric immunosensor for detection of mouse IgG aerosol

  27. 选用压电式压力传感器测量缸内气体压力;选用转角编码器测量变频电机转速与曲轴转角;制作了K型热电偶测量所需的温度数据。

    Choose piezoelectric pressure sensor measuring cylinder gas pressure ; choose the angle encoder to measure converter motor speed and crank angle ; made K-type thermocouple measurements required temperature data . 4 .

  28. 石英晶体压电式力传感器的单晶[d(jm)]转换及晶组的排列与组合

    Transform of [ djm ] , Arrangement and Combination of crystals of the Piezoelectric Force Transducers

  29. 介绍了YD-1型压电式加速度传感器与CZ-4型磁座构成的磁座安装测振系统的安装谐振频率。

    The mounting resonant frequency of vibration measurement system formed with piezo-electric acceleration sensor YD-1 and mounted magnetic base CZ-4 is addressed .

  30. 采用压电式加速度传感器及DASP数据采集与分析软件对三支撑月球着陆器原理样机缓冲性能进行了试验测试。

    Testing for buffer characteristics of the prototype of lunar lander with three legs are finished by means of piezoelectricity acceleration transducers and the DASP software which may collect and analyze data .