
  • 网络Pressure support;PSV
  1. 目的初步探讨压力支持通气(PSV)模式下不同吸气上升时间对人-机协调的影响。

    Objective To explore the effects of different inspiratory rise time settings on patient-ventilator interaction during pressure support ventilation ( PSV ) .

  2. 采用PSV(压力支持通气)+PEEP(呼气末正压)模式。

    All of them were ventilated in the mode of pressure support ventilation ( PSV ) and positive end expiratory pressure ( PEEP ) .

  3. 压力支持+叹气混合通气模式在重度创伤后ARDS治疗中的应用

    Application of a PS + sigh mixed mechanical ventilation mode in the treatment of ARDS caused by severe injury

  4. 目的:评价联合应用同步间歇指令性通气(SIMV),压力支持通光(PSV),呼气末正压(PEEP)在抢救重度急性左心衰的可行性。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical effect of combination of SIMV , PSV and PEEP on severe acute left ventricular failure .

  5. 目的探讨小潮气量及压力支持通气(PSV)在早期急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)治疗中的应用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of small tidal volume and pressure support ventilation ( PSV ) in the treatment of early Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ( ARDS ) .

  6. 目的探讨匹配压力支持伺服通气(APSSV)对纠正充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者睡眠期陈-施氏呼吸(CSR)的疗效及临床意义。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy of adaptive pressure support servo-ventilation ( APSSV ) on Cheyne-Stokes respiration ( CSR ) in congestive heart failure ( CHF ) .

  7. 目的观察应用双水平压力支持呼吸机(bilevelpositiveairwayventilation,BiPAP)无创通气治疗老年急性心源性肺水肿的临床价值。

    Objectives To evaluate the clinical applications of bilevel positive airway ventilation ( BiPAP ) ventilation in the older patients with acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema ( ACPE ) .

  8. 目的:探讨ICU采用双相气道正压(BIPAP)压力支持通气治疗多种心肺疾病的适应证范围、监测指标的选择和评价治疗作用。

    Objective : To investigate the indications , monitoring parameters , and therapeutic effects of bilevel positive airway pressure ( BIPAP ) ventilation treating heart and lung diseases and evaluate the therapeutic effect .

  9. 目的:评价患者呼吸功(WOBp)对调整压力支持通气(PSV)水平的意义。

    Objective : To determine the effects of pressure support ventilation ( PSV ) on the patient 's work of breathing ( WOPp ) .

  10. 目的比较颈髓损伤后呼吸衰竭患者使用压力支持通气模式(PSV)与同步间歇指令通气模式(SIMV)的差异。

    ObjectiveTo observe the difference between pressure support ventilation ( PSV ) and synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation ( SIMV ) in cervical spinal cord injury patients with respiratory failure .

  11. 目的探讨呼气触发灵敏度(ETS)对压力支持通气(PSV)时慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者呼气同步性及呼吸功的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of expiratory triggering sensitivity ( ETS ) on patient-ventilator expiratory synchrony and work of breathing in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) patients during pressure support ventilation ( PSV ) .

  12. 目的比较二尖瓣狭窄病人行瓣膜置换术后控制/辅助通气(A/C)与两种辅助通气模式同步间隙指令通气(SIMV)、压力支持通气(PSV)对右室功能的影响。

    Objective This investigation was to determine effects of Control / Assist ventilation ( A / C ) on right ventricular function comparing with Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation ( SIMV ) and Pressure Support Ventilation ( PSV ) .

  13. 随机选择32例机械通气患者,观察自主辅助通气模式双水平气道正压(BIPAP)、压力支持通气(PSV)、成比例压力辅助通气(PPS)三模式下血流动力学状态的差异;

    Randomized 32 ventilated patients , observed the difference of the condition of hemodynamic when ventilated by bi-level positive airway pressure ( BiPAP ), pressure supported ventilation ( PSV ), proportional pressure support ( PPS );

  14. 探讨经鼻压力支持通气(PSV)治疗Ⅱ型呼衰的效果及对可允许高碳酸血症通气(PHV)治疗的指导意义。

    To Study management of respiratory failure tape I through nasal mask pressure support Ventilation ( PSV ) and guiding signif cation by concepts of permissive hypercapnia ventilation ( PHV ) .

  15. 选择压力支持+呼气末正压(PSV+PEEP)、同步间歇指令+压力支持(SIMV+PSV)、压力控制(PCV)等通气模式。

    The ventilate mode of pressure support and positive end-expiratory pressure ( PSV and PEEP ), synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation and pressure support ( SIMV and PSV ), pressure control ( PCV ) were adopted .

  16. 出院后1年和1.5年治疗2组临床评分明显低于治疗1组。结论DVT患者出院后的抗凝、压力支持治疗及爱脉朗的应用对于减少血栓后遗症的发生有重要作用。

    At 1 and 1.5 years after discharge , the clinical score of treatment group 2 was significantly lower than that of treatment group 1.Conclusions The long-term comprehensive and systemic therapy ( including warfarin , ECS and daflon ) for DVT could prevent PTS .

  17. 压力支持通气在小儿先心病术后的应用

    Use of pressure support ventilation in pediatric patients after cardiac surgery

  18. 吸气压力支持通气在机械通气中应用的临床观察

    Clinical application of inspiratory pressure support ventilation in mechanically ventilated patients

  19. 双相气道正压通气模式与压力支持通气模式治疗慢性阻塞性肺病的疗效比较

    Comparison of the effect to acute COPD by BIPAP and PSV modes

  20. 压力支持通气与成比例压力支持通气模式对血流动力学状态的影响

    Effects of pressure support ventilation and proportional pressure support ventilation on hemodynamics

  21. 平均吸气压用于压力支持通气中呼吸努力的无创性评估研究

    Noninvasive assessment of respiratory effort by mean inspiratory pressure during pressure support ventilation

  22. 测定患者呼吸功对调整压力支持通气水平的意义

    Significance of determination of work of breathing in adjusting the level of pressure support ventilation

  23. 无创正压通气不同压力支持水平对正常人呼吸做功的影响

    The Effect of Non-invasive Pressure Support Levels on Work of Breathing of in Normal Volunteers

  24. 导管阻力补偿与压力支持通气对机械通气患者自主呼吸试验的影响

    Comparison of respiratory mechanics during spontaneous breathing trial between automatic tube compensation and pressure support ventilation

  25. 选择性与非选择性最小平方拟合法应用于压力支持通气时拟合效率的比较

    Comparison of fitting efficiency between selective and non-selective least square fitting methods applied to pressure support ventilation

  26. 匹配压力支持伺服通气对充血性心力衰竭陈-施氏呼吸患者的疗效观察

    Efficacy of adaptive pressure support servo-ventilation in patients with congestive heart failure and Cheyne - Stokes respiration

  27. 鼻面罩双水平压力支持呼吸机在老年急性心源性肺水肿的临床应用

    The use of bilevel positire airway ventilation in the treatment of older patients with acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema

  28. 自动导管阻力补偿技术联合压力支持通气对撤机患者呼吸力学参数的影响

    The effects of automatic tube compensation combined with pressure support ventilation on respiratory mechanics during spontaneous breathing trial

  29. 持续气道正压通气、T管及压力支持通气等条件下患者呼吸功的比较性研究

    Comparison of work of breathing among continuous positive airway pressure ventilation , T tube and pressure support ventilation in patients

  30. 体外膜氧合、轻微镇静和压力支持通气治疗成人急性呼吸窘迫综合征的高存活率

    High survival in adult patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome treated by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation , minimal sedation , and pressure supported ventilation