
  • 网络pressure field;stress field
  1. 采用QUICK格式对流动压力场、速度场、温度场进行了离散。

    QUICK format was used to Discrete flow pressure field , velocity field , temperature field . 3 .

  2. EMP径向滑动轴承温度场和压力场测试研究

    Temperature Field and Pressure Field Experiment of EMP Circular Sliding Bearing

  3. 利用SIMPLE算法迭代计算得到速度场和压力场,继而计算获得等效应变速率、温度等物理场量;

    Velocity and pressure fields are obtained iteratively by SIMPLE algorithm .

  4. 考虑相态变化的注CO2井井筒温度压力场耦合计算模型

    Temperature-pressure field coupling calculation model considering phase behavior change in CO_2 injection well borehole

  5. 螺杆分配机头内部压力场分布的CAE分析

    CAE analysis of pressure distribution in screw die of rubber extruder

  6. 直接计算压力场的latticeBoltzmann模型

    Direct Calculation of Pressure by Lattice Boltzmann Model

  7. RTM多孔注射工艺压力场研究

    Pressure field of multiple port injection technology for RTM process

  8. 采用ANSYS有限元分析软件对胎面双复合挤出机头流道内部的压力场进行模拟和分析。

    The simulation and analysis of the pressure distribution in head runner of double plex tread extruder were made with ANSYS FEA software .

  9. 利用ANSYS的图形处理功能,得到速度流场的分布图和压力场的分布图。

    By taking the advantage of figure process function of ANSYS , Velocity Flow Distributing Picture and Pressure Distributing Picture can be attained .

  10. 采用Biot固结理论和有限单元法,分析了海床的动态应力场与孔隙水压力场。

    Biot ′ s consolidation theory and FEM ( finite element method ) are adopted .

  11. 应用ANSYS软件进行有限元求解,得到螺纹流道的速度场、压力场、粘度场。

    ANSYS , the software involves with finite element method , was adopted for solving the flow models and gaining results of the velocity flied , pressure filed , and viscosity field .

  12. 求解时,对压力场采用基于Galerkin方法的经典有限元技术,对饱和度场,引入了非标准的不连续有限元方法,以反映实际油藏中水驱前缘的含水饱和度不连续跃变的性质。

    The calculation of pressure field is based on Galerkin formula in this method as to reflecting discontinuity characteristic of water saturation in oil reservoir water flood .

  13. 另外利用CFD软件FLUENT对涡流管内部的温度场、速度场和压力场进行了二维的数值模拟,并讨论了入口温度、入口压力对涡流管能量分离效应的影响。

    In addition , The 2D temperature field , velocity field and pressure field were simulated by Fluent software , and the effect of inlet temperature and inlet pressure were studied .

  14. 论文研究的目的是将实验结果和数值模拟结果进行比较,其中应用Fluent软件来解决速度矢量场和压力场的分布。

    The aim of this paper is to compare the numerical solution with experimental data . Software " Fluent " has been used for solving velocity vector fields and pressure distribution .

  15. 利用计算流体力学(CFD),对燃气大气式燃烧器引射器的流场进行模拟研究,形成燃气的速度场、压力场、浓度场等流体状态参数,达到设计引射器的目的。

    By calculating fluid dynamics ( CFD ), the simulate research on fluid field of atmospheric gas burner injector was tested , and the fluid state parameter to design the injector was defined .

  16. 流体动力试验部分利用了计算流体动力学分析(CFD)工具进行了缸内过程(如压缩过程)的流体动力学仿真,得到了缸内流场、温度场和压力场的分布和变化规律;

    In the fluid test , working process in the cylinder such as compression process is simulated by hydrodynamic analysis tool , with the law of flow , temperature and pressure field variety obtained .

  17. 该计算结果与试验结果较好的吻合,说明修正压力场理论对箍筋锈蚀配斜筋RC梁具有适用性。

    Comparing the results with the experimental data , the two series figures are in agreement with each other , showing that the modified compression field theory is applicable on corroded stirrups RC beams with diagonal reinforcement .

  18. 采用微分求积法(DQ)在流体-结构相互作用(FSI)框架下求解原变量形式的Navier-Stokes(N-S)方程和板的弯曲振动方程,获取作用在弹性板上的动水压力场。

    The differential quadrature ( DQ ) method is firstly applied to solve three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in primitive variable form with the fluid-structure interaction ( FSI ) .

  19. 基于修正压力场理论(MCFT)理论,对箍筋锈蚀配斜筋RC梁抗剪承载力进行研究。

    The shear capacity of corroded stirrups RC beams with diagonal reinforcement is researched on the basis of the modified compression field theory .

  20. 从润滑原理入手,以经典的Reynolds理论为基础,使用有限差分方法,对表面节流式动静压轴承的压力场、结构参数对承载特性的影响进行了分析研究。

    Beginning with lubrication principle and based upon classical Reynolds theory , pressure field , structure coefficients of surface throttle hybrid bearing , and their effects on property of bearing were analyzed with finite difference method .

  21. 在浙江工业大学水力学实验室的直流式水洞中利用三维粒子图像测速仪(PIV)等先进的量测技术,在不同的掺气浓度条件下,对空化区流速场和压力场进行了测量与分析。

    Velocity Field and pressure Field in cavitation region with different air concentrations were observed in details by using three-dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry in the Hydraulics Laboratory at Zhejiang University of Technology .

  22. 通过求解三维层流N-S方程,得到了端面气膜稳态压力场及速度场分布,分析了气体在端面间隙内的流动形式。

    The three-dimentional laminar Navier-Stokes equations were solved for getting the gas film pressure and velocity distributions in the steady state , and the flow styles in the clearance were analyzed .

  23. 采用有限元/有限差分混合方法求解压力场和温度场,采用控制体积法跟踪熔体流动前沿,并应用Visualc++实现了注塑充填过程的可压缩流动分析。

    A hybrid FEM / FDM was employed to calculate the pressure field and temperature field , and the control volume method was adopted to advance the melt front . The compressible flow analysis of filling stage in plastics injection molding was implemented by using Visual C + + .

  24. 以V形折叠薄膜管为研究对象,分析了折叠薄膜管在充气展开过程中的速度场和压力场变化,讨论了充气速率和折叠角度对压力迟滞的影响。

    The change of velocity field and pressure field of membrane booms during inflatable deployment is analyzed for V-folded membrane booms . The effects of inflation rate and folding angle on pressure delay are discussed . The pressure result is compared with segmented inflation control volume model .

  25. 用LS-DYNA软件模拟了中心点起爆、平面起爆和环形起爆方式下所形成的爆轰波波阵面、压力场及杆式弹丸的外形和速度分布。

    The LS-DYNA software was applied to simulate the detonation wave front , pressure field and shape and velocity distribition of the rod projectile under center point initiation , plane wave initiation and annular wave initiation .

  26. 本论文分析了平板式PECVD设备的布气系统,找到了在低压情况下用FLUENT软件模拟气场的方法,模拟了反应放电室的压力场和速度场。

    In this paper , an analysis of a flat PECVD equipment systems , to find cases in the low-pressure simulation using FLUENT software gas field method to simulate the response of the discharge chamber pressure and velocity field .

  27. FAE武器爆炸状态场压力场测试方法的建立将为FAE武器的预先研究、设计定型、威力对比等提供统一技术措施和规范化数据。

    The establishment of measuring method of FAE weapon blast pressure field will provide uniform technical measures and standard data for the preliminary study , design finalize , power comparison of FAE weapon .

  28. 运用ADINA模拟软件对生胶的塑炼过程的流场机理进行了全面细致地分析,如压力场,剪切应力场,速度矢量场等参数。

    Using the finite element software ADINA simulations rubber flow mechanism in the plasticating process in detail , such as the stress field , the shear stress field , the velocity vector field parameters .

  29. FLUNET软件模拟出的压力场结果显示,储罐内的气体压力会随着储罐的热量泄露速率、储罐LNG液体充装量和液体初始充满率而不断变化。

    The pressure field simulated by FLUENT shows , pressure in tank is constantly changing in accordance with heat leakage rate , amount of LNG and initial LNG amount in tank .

  30. 该程序的主要改进和扩展包括压力场与流场计算方法的修改,界面跟踪算法的增加,以及连续表面张力模型和Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性碎化模型的增加。

    The improvements of code include pressure field and velocity field calculation method , interface tracking method , continuum surface tension force model and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability fragmentation model .