
  • 网络suppression;repression
  1. 从以上这些结果来看,我们认为复方丹参是通过它对大脑皮层的压抑作用发挥其快速疗效的。

    Thus it seems that Salvia compositus exerts its prompt clinical curative effects via its depressant effect on the cerebral cortex .

  2. 结果表明,上述多肽对叫反应均有一定的压抑作用,其中,缩宫素对叫反应的压抑作用强,出现也快,持续时间久。

    After these injections it would be shown that there was certain depressing effect on the groaning response , but there were differences in their results : ( 1 ) the depressing effect of oxytocin on the groaning response appeared more immediate and effective , and lasted a longer time ;

  3. 刺激兔迷走神经引起的压抑心室纤颤作用

    Vagal nerve stimulation induced suppression of ventricular fibrillation in rabbits

  4. 基于中国农村金融发展的现实,本文从制度经济学的视角,深入剖析了产权界定在中国农村金融压抑形成中的作用机制,进而指出:产权制度缺陷是导致中国农村金融压抑的深层原因;

    Based on the rural financial development reality in China , this paper analyzes the property-right mechanism which operates in the rural financial oppression . The conclusion of this paper is that property-right limitation is the essential cause of rural financial oppression in China .