
  • 网络Condemned;condemn;decry
  1. 一个传说中的因为在耶酥受刑时嘲笑耶酥而被遣责和流放的犹太人。耶稣替罪人们受难。

    A legendary Jew condemned to roam the world for mocking Jesus at the Crucifixion . Christ suffered for sinners .

  2. 北约遣责这次投票,称这次投票除了增加南高加索地区的紧张以外没有任何作用。

    NATO condemned the voting , saying it serves no purpose other than to increase tensions in the South Caucasus region .

  3. 她听到他声音的高兴劲对他来说是一种遣责。

    Her pleasure at hearing his voice was a rebuke to him .

  4. 他说,这种遣责将对集束弹的使用形成强有力的威摄作用。

    He says this stigmatization will act as a potent deterrent to their use .

  5. 那官员遣责自己党内的领袖怯懦,而与之对立。

    The official antagonized the leader of his own party by accusing him of cowardice .

  6. 这种急切的目光中所表示的是一种深刻的遣责和一种可怕的威胁。

    In that earnest look might be read a deep reproach , as well as a terrible menace .

  7. 在十九世纪初,地质学家们遭到强烈遣责,因为他们的观点与《创世纪》中所叙述的创世观点相左。

    In the early1800s geologists met with violent condemnation because they differed with the Genesis account of creation .

  8. 世贸组织下的国际反倾销法的基本原则有三:造成损害的倾销应予遣责;

    There are three basic principles of the international antidumping act under the WTO : censure for dumping causing any impairment ;

  9. 由于清教徒遣责罗马教会顶礼膜拜,歌功颂德的做法,所以他们在文学上反对粉饰。

    As the Puritans condemned the images and incense of the Roman Church , so in literature they distrusted the highly coloured .

  10. 集束弹联盟、红十字国际委员会以及七个国家遣责泰国和利比亚最近使用集束弹。

    The Coalition , the International Committee of the Red Cross and seven countries condemn the recent use of cluster bombs by Thailand and Libya .

  11. 川普对中国的攻击、对石油输出国组织批评,对一切他认为对美国不利的国际贸易进行的遣责,都让保守派活动人士感到兴奋。

    Trump excited conservative activists with his attacks on China , OPEC and what he felt were bad international trade deals for the United States .

  12. 在十月,北朝鲜海军遣责南韩派军舰穿越他们的海疆引起紧张状态,警告将来的入侵将会激起报复。

    In October , North Korea 's navy accused South Korea of sending warships across their maritime border to stir tensions , and warned that further incursions could spark retaliations .

  13. 用不着惩罚他,就让他自食其果呆几天,他的良心就会遣责他的。

    There is no need to punish him ; just leave him to stew in his own huice for a few days , and his conscience will do the work !

  14. 白宫的一则声明说,副总统拜登和埃及副总统苏莱曼通了电话,重申了奥巴马总统对最近暴力的遣责。

    A White House statement said Vice President Joe Biden spoke by telephone with Egypt 's Vice President , Omar Suleiman , to reiterate President Obama 's condemnation of recent violence .

  15. 比蒂还在台上就遣责了这个因为给错信封而导致的史诗级巨大失误,他说他打开信封就看到了“《爱乐之城》中的爱玛?斯通”的名字。

    While still on stage , Beatty blamed the epic mishap on being given the wrong envelope , saying he had seen the name Emma Stone from ' La La Land ' when he opened his envelope .