
  1. 用,0.05M的氢氧化钠标准溶液,对已纯化的对甲基苯磺醯化的衍生物进行滴定,以确定其等当量。

    Determine the equivalent weight of the purified tosyl derivative by titration using a standardized solution of0.05M sodium hydroxide .

  2. 氢氧化钠标准溶液浓度不确定度的评定

    Evaluation of the uncertainty for the concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution

  3. 氢氧化钠标准溶液中碳酸钠含量对碳化转化率分析的影响

    Effects of Content of Sodium Carbonate in Standard Sodium Hydroxide on Analysis of Conversion Rate of Carbonization

  4. 在试剂纯度、仪器精度符合规定时,氢氧化钠标准溶液浓度的相对扩展不确定度为0.14%。

    When the reagent and the apparatus were conformed to the request , the related expanded uncertainty was 0.14 % .

  5. 目的对实验室自配氢氧化钠标准滴定溶液浓度平均值进行不确定度评定,建立不确定度评定程序和方法。

    Objective To evaluate the uncertainty of the aqua density average value of the sodium hydroxide volumetric solution , which was prepared in the laboratory , and to establish the procedure and method to evaluate the uncertainty .