
  • 网络DWX;hydraulic prop
  1. 单体液压支柱的租赁管理办法

    The lease management methods of hydraulic prop

  2. 最后应用ADAMS软件实现了单体液压支柱的动力学仿真分析。

    At last use ADAMS soft to actualize dynamics emulate analysis of single hydraulic prop .

  3. 3D技术在单体液压支柱产品仿真的应用

    Application of 3D Technology to Suspended Column - piston Hydraulic Prop Three - dimensioned Animation Emulation

  4. 基于VB的单体液压支柱智能检测系统

    Intelligent Detecting System for Hydraulic Support Test-bed with VB

  5. 水介质单体液压支柱Y型密封圈的CAE优化分析

    Optimization Analysis for Y-type Seal-ring of Hydraulic Prop with Water Medium with CAE

  6. 基于RS-485总线的单体液压支柱密封质量检测仪

    Single Hydraulic Prop Airtight Quality Detecting Device Based on RS-485 Bus

  7. DW型单体液压支柱柱体焊接工艺

    Craft of DW-series Single Hydraulic Prop ′ s Plunger Piece Weld

  8. DW型单体液压支柱的大修工艺

    Capital repair technology of DW type hydraulic prop

  9. 通过旋转挂片试验,用失重法、表面观察法和表面分析技术(SEM),研究了四种缓蚀剂在井下矿坑水作为工作介质时对单体液压支柱的协同缓蚀效应。

    Four kinds of corrosion inhibitors used for anti-corrosion of mono-hydraulic prop were investigated by using weight-loss tests ( hanging piece methods ), surface-observation and SEM .

  10. DZ型外注式单体液压支柱维修浅议

    Talking about the repair of DZ type outer single hydraulic prop

  11. DZ型单体液压支柱顶盖的改进

    Improvement of DZ Single Hydraulic Prop Top Cover

  12. DZ型外注式单体液压支柱的结构特点及管理措施

    The structure characteristic and management of DZ type outside - pourable monomer hydraulic supports

  13. DZ型单体液压支柱使用及维护

    Use and repair of DZ type hydraulic prop

  14. DZ型外注式单体液压支柱,是煤矿普遍使用的液压支护设备。

    DZ type outside-pourable monomer hydraulic supports are hydraulic timbering facilities used in coal mine at large .

  15. 一面坡温室透明盖层坡面的几何型式DZ型单体液压支柱顶盖的改进


  16. 在对DZ型单体液压支柱研究的基础上,提出了采用柱塞悬浮式单体液压支柱的新概念。

    The new idea of hydraulic support with suspending hollow plug was proposed on the basis of the research on the DZ hydraulic support .

  17. WG-1型单体液压支柱稳柱器及其应用

    WG-1 Prop-stabilizing Instrument for Single Prop and Its Application

  18. 3.5m单体液压支柱一次采全高在倾斜长壁开采中的应用

    Discussion on the application of 3.5 m single hydraulic prop mining all height at one times in slope long wall mining

  19. 论述了用VB编制的单体液压支柱的密封质量检测及数据管理,实现了在线设置液压支柱的各种工作方式,可以根据煤矿需要设置支架数量和缸径;

    A software was developed with VB 6.0 to detect the airtight quality and manage data for hydraulic support test-bed , implemented setting work modes of hydraulic support test bed at will ; The support number and cylinder diameter is set according to the demand of coal mine ;

  20. 为减轻DZ型单体液压支柱的重量,将主要零件活柱筒、油缸采用了硼-铝共渗化学热处理工艺。

    In order to reduce the weight of DZ single hydraulic prop , the major components of the prop , namely the inner member of the prop and outer cylinder were treated with Boriding and Alumetizing .

  21. 3.0m左右煤层采用单体液压支柱支护卧底煤一次采全高

    Digging overall height floor coal at one times at about 3.0 m seam face with single hydraulic prop

  22. 带电更换500kV耐张绝缘子串工具的研制介绍了DZ型单体液压支柱关键零件一柱头的加工工艺和专用工装设计,特别介绍了车床改镗床后加工特异工件内孔的特点。

    The paper introduces machining process and working tools design for valve base , the key part of DZ single hydraulic prop , particularly presents the machining features in special type pieces after a lathe being replaced by a borer .

  23. 单体液压支柱缸体修复新方法

    A new process for repairing of MONO-BODY cylinder of hydraulic pillar

  24. 大倾角煤层单体液压支柱的应用

    Application of Mono-hydraulic Pillar in the Steeply - inclined Coal Seam

  25. 矿井单体液压支柱密封圈槽腐蚀事故分析

    Corrosion Analysis of Sealing Washer Groove on Single Hydraulic Pit Prop

  26. 外注式单体液压支柱的数字仿真

    The Numerical Imitation to the Single Hydraulic Props of External Powred Type

  27. 外注式单体液压支柱部分结构及工艺改造

    Partial structure and process reform in outer single hydraulic prop

  28. 双联单体液压支柱在普采和炮采工作面的支护方案设计

    Designing Project of Double-hydraulic Prop Support Program in Mining Face

  29. 单体液压支柱镶不锈钢套修复技术的应用

    To Import Technology of Insert Stainless Steel Set Repair Simplex Hydraulic Pillar

  30. 单体液压支柱研究的现状与进展

    Present Situation and Development of Research on Individual Hydraulic Prop