
  • 网络single bud;simple bud
  1. 采用单芽为厚料加工而成的为芽茶,称之为银针;

    Single bud is thick material processed for Ya Cha , called the Silver Needle ;

  2. 采用单芽扦插和双芽扦插,研究单双芽扦插对全球红葡萄成苗及苗木长势的影响。

    Single bud cutting ( SBC ) and two-bud-cutting ( TBC ) were used to study their effects on the formation and growth potential of Red Globe grape seedlings .

  3. 主要研究结果如下:1通过试验比较,得到了适合苹果单芽和枣花蕾RNA的提取方法&SDS法,并经过分别改良获得了较多和高质量的RNA。

    Results were as follows : 1 . With comparison , it has been found that modified-SDS method is suitable for RNA extraction from single apple bud and the Chinese jujube flower bud . More and high quality of RNA is obtained by this method . 2 .

  4. 以马铃薯试管苗的单芽茎段为组织培养材料,研究含不同浓度除草剂Basta和不同浓度抗生素Hygromycin培养基对马铃薯试管苗生长状况的影响。

    Potato tube seedings were cut into single stem as explants . The effect of different concen-trations of herbicide Basta and antibiotic Hygromycin on the growth of potato tube seedlings was studied .

  5. 将低能量的N+离子注入2个桑树品系的冬芽,对发生变异的M1代苗木单芽嫁接,M2代部分桑苗形态性状生物学性状以及桑叶过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱均产生了变化。

    The winter buds of two mulberry strains were induced by N + ion implantation . A few of M 1 and M 2 plants showed evident mutations in the traits such as length of sprout and section , leaf characters , and sprouting process .

  6. 利用腋芽增殖试管苗,单芽增殖有效苗可达12株以上;

    The twelve effective seedlings can be generated from single axillary bud .

  7. 单芽短穗扦插在观赏花木中的应用

    Short stem and simple bud cuttings on ornamental woody plants

  8. 佛手间歇弥雾绿枝单芽扦插快速繁育技术

    Technique of Intermittence Mist Propagation of Green-Wood Cuttings with Single Bud of Fingered Citron

  9. 半无菌表面灭菌获得葡萄单芽茎段无菌材料的方法

    A half - sterilized method acquiring sterilized stem - segments with single bud of grape

  10. 渝桉1号的单芽茎段培养与植株再生研究

    Studies on Stem-Segment Culture and Plant Regeneration of Eucalyptus uorphylla × E.grandis ' Yu'an 1 '

  11. 对节白蜡多年生枝干扦插研究切花月季单芽嫩枝扦插试验

    Plant Cutting Processes for the Perennial Fraxinus hupehensis Research on cutting of one node segments of rose soft shoots

  12. 采用1年生三倍体毛白杨优质苗木单芽茎段,研究其组织培养技术和工厂化育苗技术。

    The tissue culture and industrialization breeding techniques were studied by adopting the stem segment of single bud of Populus tomentosa one-year-growth seedling .

  13. 建立了柿7个基因型试管苗单芽姊妹系,为保存后再生植株的遗传稳定性检测提供了材料。

    Single-bud sibling lines of 7 persimmon genotypes were established , which provided materials for the studies on genetic stability of conserved regenerated plantlets .

  14. 本文介绍在秋季把当年春季育出的板栗实生苗,进行不切断砧木的单芽贴接,取得成活率达85%以上。

    This article present a new method that patch budd-ing in autumn with seedling breeded in spring without cutting the stock , it showed over 85 % survival rate .

  15. 结果表明,作为供试栽培品种的预备枝,采用单、双芽修剪效果好;

    The results show that the effect of single and dual buds pruning is best as replacing branch .